Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Photo Scavenger hunt #81

Photo Scavenger Hunt #81...

The entries for Photo Scavenger Hunt #81 will be due on Sunday, July 2, 2006 at 11:00 PM EST. 

  "things that make a sound"

    Ok I couldn't decide between these 2 so I am doing both.  One a sound I love, one a sound I don't love.

   The first is my old Gilbert Clock from the 1920's.  I love the way the chime resonates.  Very Zen.

The 2nd is my phone.  I like the phone but hate talking on phones.  It always rings when I am in the middle of something.  Notice the way the phone seems to be levitating in this picture.  How weird!


Anonymous said...

It does look like the phone is levitating, very, very weird.  In a hunt you can do as many different pics as you like.  No rules.  So, I HATE, HATE, HATE talking on the telephone myself.  Don't know if you hate it as much as I do, but boy do I hate it.  I leave my phone on answering machine and only answer it when necessary.  What is wrong with me??  Don't know.  Great pics!  xox

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the phone.  Old phones had so much more character than the new plastic antenna clad phones of today.  The clock is very nice as well.  In fact reminds me that I need to get my mantle clock fixed...It makes no noise anymore.


Anonymous said...

Lovely clock you've got there; and phones are the noisiest of household items LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, gorgeous clock and gorgeous phone!  I really like them.  Excellent choices for the Photo Scavenger Hunt.  If you want, please come to my journal and play the Scavenger Hunt now that I am doing it again.  And thanks for playing it when Val was doing it.  It really is a fun thing to do!

Krissy (Val's sister)  

Anonymous said...

Both very pretty! great choices!
Linda :)