Sunday, June 4, 2006

Lazy Sunday


 I had my MIL over for a late lunch or early supper.  Being even when I plan things I don't always do them, we didn't have the chicken yesterday we planned, we had it today so she could come over and eat.  It was delicious.  I had been hungry for grilled chicken and it turned out perfect. 

    Now I am patiently waiting for Rick to wake up.  He naps everyday.  He can't help it.  It doesn't matter where he is or what position he will just fall asleep.  If he's holding a glass of water it pours right on him.  I have found him sleeping in the garage in one of the van seats.  I can't nap so I get somewhat jeolous of this wonderful ability of his.  On the days I sleep poorly I would love to be able to lay down and nap but usually I just lay there with my eyes closed hoping for sleep.  Unless I am sick or just had surgery.  I keep thinking of things I need to do.

    When Rick wakes up we are going for a bike ride.  I bought some capri pants.  I always said I would never own any since Rick hates them, but on the bike I have to roll up a pant leg and these work out great.  They really aren't that bad at all and Rick said they looked good.  He always says I look great though.  I could have hair sticking straight up, makeup smeared under my eyes, mismatched socks, and my shirt buttoned up wrong and he would say I look great.  He is well trained.  However he gets upset when some stranger will tell I am looking good and I get flattered.  "You never believe me when I tell you", he says! Because he tells me that when I know I look terrible.  2 minutes after surgery with 10 pounds of fluid gain showing in my puffy pale face he says I look great.  Love him for that but honestly I do take a stranger more seriously.   Someone who doesn't love you is more truthful sometimes.

   So if he isn't out of his coma in the next 10 minutes I will wake him as it usually takes him around 30 to 40 minutes to get ready to go anywhere.  I want to ride my supper off and in the morning we are both going to the gym.  I pay to much money to go as seldom as we have been going lately.

   I was cleaning the shower today using scrubbing bubbles and had an asthma attach.  The smell was so simular to the chlorine in the pool.  When I had some coffee later I could taste it in the coffee.  I am just so sensitive to it for some reason.  My doctor wants me to try my water aerobics again but I am really nervous about it.  I was sick for 2 weeks the last time.  I feel so good now I don't want to feel that awful again.  I just can't understand why this is bothering me so much all of a sudden.  So weird.  I can just see me cleaning the tub from now on with a mask on and the fan going and gloves.  I wonder how many other cleaning products I will find that bother me?

   Well Rick just woke up so time to get ready.  It's in the high 80's but the humidity is high so it will be warm.


Anonymous said...

Rick sounds like a great guy.

Anonymous said...

He loves you so much obviously!!  I remember when I was married and it was good...I was 9 months pregnant....had gained 50lbs....and my hubby told me every day that I was beautiful.  He always told me that no matter what I looked like.  That was one thing I did love about him.  Once, he came home from work, I'd just given our baby a bath and was soaking wet (the baby had discovered splashing! LOL), and I had my hair make-up...  baby food on my shirt...and he said "You really look so cute!"  And he MEANT it!! Gotta love 'em!!
Enjoy the bike ride.               Pamela