Wednesday, June 28, 2006


  As soon as I posted the other entry the rest of the month was back.  Crazy AOL.  Half the time I can't leave comments anymore and half the time I can't make any.  Drives me crazy.

   Anyway.  I weigh in for the challenge at work tonight and pay my money.   I am feeling extremely heavy right now.  I don't like weighing in front of people and especially people who don't know who much I used to way so they know how much better it is now.  Plus I know I am up.  I can feel it in my middle.   I am however excited about this challenge.  I will do better if I have to weigh in weekly.  I am ready for this and being off work for this week will help.

   My son has his surgery in the morning.  I am leaving work about a half hour early.  I want to talk to the doctor if possible before the surgery.  I hope he does OK. 

   This is my last day at work now until next week.  I have been charge every night and last night one of my co-workers was driving me crazy.  She is a young new nurse and very, very, hyper.  Her mouth was going a few hundred miles a minute.  I couldn't concentrate on orders and everything I had to do.  She is cute and I like her but it was very distracting and she was very noisy.  I hope she is less wide awake tonight, LOL.  Oh to be young again.

   The picture below didn't turn out to good.  I was practicing with manual controls and it wasn't very successful.  The deer are a frequent visitor to my yard though so I know I will get better ones.  This old female has been around about 4 years that I remember.  She has scars on her back that help me recognize her.  I haven't seen any of her new babies this year.  They may still be hidden in the woods.  Usually by now she has the in the yard eating.

Another frequent visitor to my yard.  Can you tell I need to do some weeding.


Anonymous said...

It's wild that the deer even brings her young to graze in your yard!   So cool!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your challange...have a great week...TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Hope your son comes through the surgery fine tomorrow. AOL is actiing up yesterday morning and this evening also. The pictures are great. The deer is nice and fat. To bad you haven't seen a fawn this year. Hope if she has one she will bring it soon so you can get a picture of them. Helen

Anonymous said...

don't feel bad aol has been stupid all day today and yesterday i say quit adding new stuff till you fix the old stuff first anyway hope your sons surgery goes well. and the challenge is in your favor:)


Anonymous said...

Prayers for your son dear. Let me know if I can help in anyway.  :)
Pics are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

How lovely that you are visited by these animals!  I sure wish I had a deer come to say hi once in awhile.  
Up in Northern CA there is a town I stayed at on a road trip for a night. This small town (I can't recall the name) had deer walking the streets.  They weren't afraid of the cars, or anything.  The only complaint the locals had was that the deer ate all of their flowers. LOL!
Enjoy your week off!!!  ~~~Pam

Anonymous said...

Hi, it does help to be weighed in a group! it is motivating, but no one needs to look over your shoulder and see what you weigh that is personal.Sure you will do well. hope your son will be fine..loved pics of deer and the bird.

Anonymous said...

Very cool pics!  Hugs and GBU, Shelly