Sunday, June 4, 2006

Interesting Email


   I got this interesting email this morning and thought I would share it because it is so true.  It is from the founder of Femail Creations .


  Dear Femails,

The other day I was searching for a photo for a new picture frame I'd just bought. I sorted through dozens of snapshots—the ones I keep telling myself I will some day put in adorable scrapbooks—but for now they sit in shoe boxes.

As I poured over the pictures I had a few good laughs going down memory lane. The good times, the bad times, and the what-were-you-thinking outfits and haircuts.

Then I found the unthinkable—an old picture of me in a bikini! My husband had managed to snap a shot of me on the beach with my kids. I was instantly transported back to that day almost 15 years ago. I vividly remembered changing swimming suits three or four times that morning trying to find one that I could bring myself to wear.

As I thought back about the morning, and how self-conscious I felt about wearing a swimsuit, I felt really stupid. Because you know what—I didn't look half bad back then. And yet I wasted precious energy and time stressing out over my not perfect body. What an idiot!

Fifteen years later I would love to have that body back. That very same body I anguished over back then! It was a real ah-ha moment for me. Fifteen years from now I will most likely wish I had the body back that I have today.

The reality is even the women we think have perfect bodies aren't content. The other day I was telling my friend Paula about finding the picture and my light bulb moment. Paula is in better shape than anyone I know. She is a Pilates instructor with the rock hard body we would all love to have—and even she could relate!

We are all spending way too much time on if-only. If only I didn't have these stretch marks. If only I wasn't sagging here or there. If only I didn't have these love handles.

The moral of the story is... love the body you have RIGHT NOW.

Learning to accept ourselves just the way we are is one of the hardest things to do. And one of the most important.

Think of all the energy we waste worrying about wrinkles, saddle bags, cellulite, belly pouch and gray hair. Does it really matter? NO. Never was that more clear than when I stared at that photo from fifteen years ago and lamented over the time and energy lost worrying about nothing. I vowed right then and there to spend my time appreciating health and well being instead of berating myself over silly things like stretch marks.

Don't waste another minute of your precious time worrying about cellulite! That is what self-tanner is for. Ha!

Let's start today loving and accepting ourselves, lumps and all.

I challenge you to give yourself the gift of perspective. Go get out an old photo of yourself. Remember what you worried about back then... Not so bad, huh. So be gentler with the body you have today.

With swimsuit season just around the corner let's all try to love the body we are with instead of the one we wish we had.

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Dreaming Big,

Lisa Hammond
Founder of Femail Creations

    Don't you agree this is a good lesson. 



Anonymous said...

Very true!

Anonymous said...

very true:) have a great sunday


Anonymous said...

You are SO RIGHT!!  Great lesson for the day, huh? Or for a lifetime?  Enjoy your Sunday!