Saturday, June 17, 2006

Thought for Today

                  If at first you don' t succeed, skydiving is not for you.

  Lying there happily sleeping and having an interesting dream.....turn over and immediately feel the tightening in my calf that signals a charlie horse is on its way.  I quickly point my toes to my nose which stops the cramp if I can get my foot pointed fast enough.  Then I get a charlie in the arch of my foot and my big toe!  Oh No Mr Bill!  What to do......put my foot down and risk the more painful calf charlie horse?  Get out of bed and start your day at 5:30 AM,  Oh Yah.  So here I am.  Wide awake and bushy tailed.  Good Morning J-land.

    The heavens opened up yesterday here in Iowa.  We decided to go out and eat last night.  The rain started shortly after we left.  It turned out to be the worse rain I have been caught out in in a long time.  The streets flooded and the water was deep, even on hills!  No visibility for awhile.  At one time in low area's the water was half way up our wheels and we were leaving wakes like you usually only see from a boat!  Since we were half way to the restaurant we were turning back.  Everyone looked mildly amazed when we burst through the doors soaking wet but in time for dinner!  We weren't going to let the fact that we got 3.5 inches of rain in 10 minutes stop us by Golly.   Food is my great motivator.

   What is sad is last night was Biker night downtown.  We don't go as it is crowded and noisy, but it is a big party and people come from all over.  It is outdoors and they have bands etc....  I wonder how leather feels when it is soaking wet.  We had been down there earlier and I never saw so much big hair in one setting.  I bet they didn't have big hair by the time the cloudburst was over.  It is a good cause for the Shriner hospitals though and I hope it is better tonight although it is raining out right now.  No bike ride for me tonight.

    I wanted to go fishing but it looks like it will have to wait.  Since I have some packages to mail and a dirty house I suppose I will do some cleaning.  Not near as much fun though.  My MIL is coming over tomorrow to eat for fathers day so I guess I will make the house presentable.  I was hoping to eat outside, maybe I could go fishing off the patio set.

    Everything is dark green and happy looking outside.  It was so dry.  I can open my windows without getting dust over everything.  There is a cool breeze and the smell of rain in the air.  Remember Field of Dreams movie?  It is a good day in Heaven here in Iowa and we are all dancing in the streets celebrating the rain for our crops.



Anonymous said...

Glad that you got some rain. We need it very badly here. helen

Anonymous said...

glad you got rain we need some here so bad:) enjoy the weekend


Anonymous said...

We couldda used some of that rain!

Anonymous said...

Wish that rain would come our way...dry as a bone here...have a great week ahead...hugs and love,