Saturday, May 13, 2006

What a night!

               - Glitter Graphics

     We were busy again last night.   Someone from our floor has to go to code Blues on other units. That is when someone is pulseless and not breathing.  Unfortunately my toe is infected that I had the ingrown toenail removed from and very tender.  I went to the code last night and was standing there recording on one leg with my other safely tucked up behind me so no one would step on it accidentally.  It's pretty busy during one of those.   The doctor looked at me and laughed, what is this? The karate kid recording stance!  Yuk Yuk.  Laugh a minute these things.  I did manage to get through it without anyone stepping on my toe and we also had a successful outcome, meaning the patient lived.  

   The good thing about nights like last night is you're so busy and running so much that you don't spend any time snacking. Not to mention I ran up 2 flights of stairs which always burns some calories.  I was really good last night staying on my plan, but unfortunately burned my popcorn so I didn't get my snack.  I had some dry cherrio's instead.  Not the same.

   I slept terrible.   My toe was throbbing and I was up every hour.  I took some Motrin, but it didn't help much.  That makes work go soooo long.  We are busy enough it should help me stay awake, but what a long night it is going to be.  I am sitting here drinking extra stength coffee.  No idea what is for supper tonight.  My husband is putting in our new screen door so I have a feeling he has nothing planned.  Sometimes he surprises me though. 

    Tomorrow I guess he is making Egg Pie for supper.   It is a recipe he made up that has everything but the kitchen sink in it.  Probably loaded with calories but absolutely delicious so I am going to stay low on calories today and splurge tomorrow.  His mom is coming over and I have to remember to get her card ready.  I want him to go get her a nice hanging plant for tomorrow also.

   My mom died in 1980 when my children were young, as was I.  I miss her so much and think of her often, but especially tomorrow.  Mothers day was the last day we spent with when she was herself.  2 days later she was in the hospital with encephalitis and never recognized me again until she died 7 months later.  She was the age I am now, 51 and died 13 days after her 52 birthday. 

     My mother was a member of Mensa and gave her first piano concert when she was 5.   After leaving a terrible abusive husband, me dear old dad, she raised the 5 of us kids on her own and I think did a heck of a job.  It was sad that she died shortly after seeing the last of her children move out and when she finally had the money and time to enjoy herself and travel some.  I am sad my children don't remember her.  Here's to you Mom, Love you always.



Anonymous said...

Sorry you had such a rough night! :(
Oh no, infected! You poor dear.
Enjoyed your tribute to your mom! Hope you have a nice day tomorrow yourself!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about you infected toe. I don't blame you for holding it up while making your report. Glad the patient made it. You did beautiful on your tribute to your Mother. Happy Mother's Day to you tomorrow. Helen

Anonymous said...

That toe has GOT to be so painful!  I'm so sorry you are hurting like that.  
Wonderful tribute to your mom.  I think my mom was smart enough she could have been a member of Mensa also.  Maybe she was and didn't tell me..<smile>.  My fiance Joe is...and another friend is.  I can't keep up with them!!  <smile>
Take care of yourself.  Enjoy your day tomorrow!  

Anonymous said...

What a great tribute to your Mom! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day and enjoy each bite of your egg sounds delicious :)

Pooh Hugs,
P.S...................Sorry about your toe, it must be so painful.

Anonymous said...

Sugar sent me your way. Glad I stopped in. I do hope your toe is better, sounds like you have an interesting job. I work in a clinic so it gets crazy there alot too. I too raised 4 kids on my own, bless your mama. One day you'll all be together again in that land of paradise :).  Happy Moms day to you.
