Monday, May 8, 2006

Coffee, it's a good thing


                 Here is another great graphic from Roxi.  Isn't it cute.


         I knew there was a reason I had kept my husband around these past 32 years.  He fixed my coffee pot and I didn't have to buy another.  He's handy that way.  If its repairable he can fix it.  I like that in a man.

   The gym workout went well today but I forgot my inhaler this morning and so had the usual troubles.  I have cut down some on my weights as it was bothering my hip and shoulder and I am doing this to build bone strength, not destroy it.  If you haven't read Strong Women Stay Young I highly recommend it.  I would be lifting weights even if I wasn't trying to lose weight.  My last scan to see how much bone loss I have was bad.  You lose the most bone the first 5 years after menopause.  The best way to prevent it is weight lifting.  I'm not talking Mr Steroid man muscles,  but light weights using 3 reps at least 3 times a week.  I hope to not have to take any of meds they put you on for bone loss and they all come with side effects and the only side effects to working out with weights is better health.

   I had shredded wheat for breakfast with cut up fresh strawberries, no hives this morning so I am not sure what caused the ones last night.  Lunch was just slim fast.  My snack will be an apple.  Supper again is upin the air.  I give up on the salmon.  Everyday I think of making it and we end up doing something different.  I have a tendency to only decide  whats for supper by going by my cravings.  That can get me in trouble, but it is getting so now I am craving healthy foods, it becomes a habit.  I sometimes just go to the store and walk around until inspiration hits me.  Oh that looks good!

    Well I have to shower, pack up the bookends and get ready to go.  I still have a few plants I want to get in and the coleus died so I need new ones.  I had them covered when it got cold but they must be really sensitive.

   The pictures are the bookends I just sold.  The are lady Godiva and are rated a 4 in rarity which is good.  I sold them for $90.00 which is a bargain.


Anonymous said...

Glad your hubby was able to fix the coffeepot!  That's a NECESSARY appliance in any household!!  At least in mine it is!
Beautiful bookends!  I've never seen any so pretty!  Wish I'd gotten them!
Have a good day......Pamela

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about weight lifting and bone loss.  I'm not anywhere near menopause yet, but good to know, ya know? I forgot about that monkey.  He's cute!  GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I could not live without my coffee attached...glad your hubby fixed it.  Weightlifting info was interesting...
Hugs and love...sounds like a busy day.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for hubby fixing the coffee pot!!!! :) Good for you for getting to the gym, your determination is going to get you to the finish line without a doubt.....KOKO!

Pooh Hugs,