Monday, November 20, 2006

Waiting, waiting and more waiting.


         Once again we didn't get to the gym.  We were suppose to call the Doctors today to make a follow up appointment so Rick could get his lab results and see how the new med was working.  Also we want an appointment to see the EP Cardiologist.  They work on electrical problems of the heart which is the type of A-fib Rick has.  This is what Ricks heart looks like when he has rapid A-fib and A-flutter. I asked his regular cardiologist to make us an appointment over a year ago and they never did but our regular doctors says she will.  He can't get in to see our doctor until the 30th so I asked to make the appointment with the cardiologist and then he can still keep the 30th appointment.  They are suppose to call back and tell him his lab and when he has the appointment with the EP doc.  So we wait, and wait and wait.  I was sure if I tried to put an entry in they would call but so far no luck.  I am getting tired of waiting. 


    I have things to do.  I have to find a Dora talking playhouse!  That is what my granddaugher wants.  Now to find one.  Must shop.  But have to wait for the Doctor to call.  Now my husband is a grown man I realize but I like to listen to what the lab says as it will mean nothing to him.  Also his heart rate is now bradycardic which means slow from the med he was put on.  40's to 50.  He is not having a problem with it running that slow but his blood pressure is still on the higher side. 

    My cold feels better today.  I almost feel human.  However I slept terrible last night.  I wish I could take a nap but I never could take naps very often.  Rick takes a daily one or 2.  Some people can sleep anywhere.


   Well I have come to the end of my prattle and no phone call.  Sigh.  Guess I'll close and do some dishes or something else really boring.  Hopefully they will at least call back today.



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