Thursday, November 2, 2006

I need to go back to work!

  I wonder what size my fonts will be this time when I save this entry, hummmmmm.  Will it be as large as the page or so tiny no one can see it.  At least they got the search engine working better today.

   I took all the steric strips off.  I have big blisters under the strips and a really yucky odor.  I remember at the mall on time I said yucky and this man laughed.  "I haven't heard that in years", he said,  OK Julie, age yourself. 

  I rarely swear so I have some weird things I substitute with, not that that called for a swear word, but you know what I mean.  I hear people use the F word when that didn't call for a swear word either,  How the F are you.  You F   ing don't say.   I am having a F  ing great F  ing time at this F   ing great place and am so F  ing happy I am here with you my F  ing best F  ing friend.  Yes I have hear conversations like that.  Makes me gringe and their IQ drops to the cellar for me.  Reguardless how smart they are or well dressed.  Get a volcabulary!  I would rather say yucky, at least I don't have to pay my granddaughter a quarter!

   I am getting bored silly staying at home.  It is too cold to ride my bike and doctor won't let me go to the gym.  I am eating out of boredom and my stomach shows it.  My bank account has moths and the bills are coming in.  I need to go back to work. 

   I am blessed that I love my job.  It is hard work and mentally stressful at times.  It is also rewarding and I get satisfaction knowing I helped people get better.  I bet if more people had jobs helping people their problems would seem smaller. 

    I always can point to people worse off them me and feel quilty if I start to do the pity me dance.   Like my friend today.  He just keeps getting bad news.  Gets the cancer removed from one place and 3 weeks later it show up some where else.  Get rid of that, boom back in a completely different spot.   Since no one has survived his type of cancer when helooks it up on the computer it is nothing but horror stories right and left.  When he keeps busy he can forget it, well not forget it but not think and have it foremost in his mind.  He's younger then me too.  14 year old son, great wife, really really nice guy.   Gee, and I have blisters on my belly, get over it Julie.

      Well we are going to watch a movie we ran across that neither of us remember buying or ever having watched.   Must have been really good, LOL.


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