Sunday, November 5, 2006

Early morning


      Nelishia talked about this great book on her blog so I had to get it, Into The Wild.  Crazy book and the man reminds me a lot of my brother in law when he was young.  I am about half way done and wish someone could just shake some sense into this young man before it was too late but it sounds like many tried.  He was on a self destructive path.  Speaking of self destructive paths.

            My husband was sitting at the kitchen table yesterday when bam a bird hit the window.  Laying on the ground was a pretty male nut thatcher.  It laid there stunned.  Please don't be seriously hurt we both hoped.  Once it closed its eyes and laid its head down.  Oh no.  It just died.  You can't believe how sad that made us.  Then it lifted its head up and blinked again.  It hadn't moved it wings and I was afraid its neck was broke but slowly it came to its senses and tucked it wings under itself.  From our view above the bird we could see its beak looked bent.  The poor bird laid there around 10 minutes while we kept an eye out to make sure the neighborhood black cat didn't spy it.  Finally it stood up shook itself and flew away, Whew.  Its the little things that make you happy the rest of the day, just like if it hadn't have survived it would have put a damper on the day.

     Well I got some shopping done.  Not as much as I would have liked but enough to make me feel like I was getting closer to the end.  I got some books, a gift card and some ideas for the next trip out.   Boy walking in that mall just kills my back.  Why is it I can walk all over the woods or down by the river without problems.  I can work 12 hours without problems but walking in that mall make my back hurt for hours?

    I was going to order my granddaughter an easy bake oven but see it says for 8 years and up.  Gee, I thought it was younger then that.  Now what to get her.  I also upset to see they sell the extra mixes one at a time now and for more money then a regular mix!  Whats up with that!


    I was watching the squirrels at the feeders yesterday and had to laugh about how obese they are looking these days.  Getting ready for winter and their belly's barely clear the ground when they walk.  I am going to get some pictures today.  No plans for today.  Going to make some chicken tonight for supper otherwise will probably just read.  I do want to get a walk in if the weather is nice.  Tomorrow I see the doctor and then I want to start the gym again.  I was reading about Linda's fun at Disney world and she so inspires me.  I have to get out of this squirrel mode I am in.


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