Sunday, November 26, 2006


  In the middle of the night, after lights out and family and friends are sound asleep, patients who have put on braves faces and cheery smiles lie awake with their fears. 

   What they don't show their families, wanting to spare them I think, they show to the night nurses.  It shows in their trouble sleep, tossing and turning.  It shows in an increase in their pain as they dwell on their illness.  It shows in their eyes and the way they grab your hand and hold on. 

      Letting their fears out so they can again be brave and unafraid for families in the morning.  Such a simple thing as sitting there holding their hands, turning their pillows and washing away the sweat and fears with a warm cloth. 

  This is why I like my night shift.  When I can do my bed checks and see my patients sleeping easily and peacefully I know I have helped.  Even if they were to never tell me, even if I were to never hear it from my bosses or admininstation it would not matter.  Because we night nurses know.


Anonymous said...

Good for you being so caring of your patients. Helen

Anonymous said...

Well, *I* will tell you...the nights can be so long and lonely.   Some years ago, I was gravely ill, in a strange bed, in pain, uncomfortable tubes connected to me in various places,  and scared....nurses were there to help me however they could.   (I didn't let the male nurse help me....bless his heart)   One particular night was very bad, and I knew my nurse cared, and I wasn't alone.   It really did make a difference.   I doubt very seriuosly I told her thank you (I was very, very sick, and it probably didn't cross my mind to at the time) but I'll tell's very appreciated!   Bless you!

Anonymous said...

 Aw Meg, thank you.  I am so glad you recovered and the nurse was able to help you feel better.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart!!  Keep up the good and caring spirit!!!  God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been in the hospital much, but what your words convey the message, pure and simple.  Nurses do what they do because they care.  As in all professions, some bad apples abound, and they probably shouldn't be doing what they're doing, but it takes a special person to be a nurse, albeit, a night nurse.  Bless you and the work you do.  Your patients appreciate it.  Take care...
xoxo ~Myra

Anonymous said...

THAT is what nursing is about!  I miss working nights for those same reasons.  Not the crap I'm dealing with now.

Anonymous said...

Julie, you are what nursing is all about.  Your patients are blessed to have you there to hold their hands and care for them both physically and emotionally.  Hugs  Chris

Anonymous said...

I always liked nights for that reason too.  It's quieter, more peaceful, and maybe you have just a smidgen more patient care time.....maybe.

Anonymous said...

i have found when i was in the hospital those 4 times one summer. The night nurses were the best after one surgery i woke up late and i was so sick they came running both nurses were nice but the lady nurse sat with me and listened while the male nurse just tried to be pushy lol i really admire you


Anonymous said...

Nurses are special people...I love them all and totally respect them.  I've dealt with many over the years...and each one unique in their own are one of the special of a kind!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

This should be blown up and put on the wall at your job...very touching....Being strong for others....we do that...we do that..daily...This was really lovely Julie...It should be put somewhere so people at your job never forget,,,,as well as passerbys, could see...-Raven