Friday, January 12, 2007

I am Cured!



    Happy Happy Joy Joy.  I am well.  Yippy.  I absolutely hate being sick so this really feels good.  Got up early and went and had my lab done and when I got back Val had sent me my Medal for winning the tournament.  Isn't it cool.  Thanks Val from

   You know what yesterday was and I wasn't feeling good enough to remember.  Its been 1 year since my breast reduction.   One year of no back pain.  1 year of being perky and able to buy bra's off the rack.  Any reqrets?  Yes, that I hadn't done it years and years earlier.

   It is sooooo cold here today.  We are makng chili tonight and getting ready to stay in and try to stay warm.  At least no snow and no ice.  Some people are not as lucky.  First though I have to go to the store and I want to take a couple of pictures.  If it isn't to cold out for my camera.

  Last night I had a terrible night eating wise.  I have a horrible problem which really makes my weight loss hard.  I absolutely rarely feel full.  It is like I don't get that sensation.  I don't ever remember having that sensation.  My mother in law, bless her helpful tackless heart, always says, I just eat until I am full.  Works for me.  Well if I ate until I was full I think I would never stop eating.  So I have to measure out amounts and when that is gone stop.  Yesterday however that didn't work because although I never felt full, I felt hungry all day yesterday.  I must have drank 2 gallons of water and tea and still was hungry all day.  It was like I had a craving I couldn't fullfill.  Sometimes I think it is the weather.  I go into bear mode.  Must eat so I can sleep the rest of the winter.  Must put on my winter weight.....must.......must.........must.  This is why I think the lap band would have worked for me.  I would have felt full and stopped this awful emptiness.

  Well, enough of that, I have to go to the store and we hope to hit the gym today.  Stay warm everyone and once again. Thanks Val.  I love my award.



Anonymous said...

My friend Joey never feels full either....but he has an excuse. Radiation to his head for cancer.  That damaged whatever part of the brain that tells him he's full.  
Hope you stay warm today and enjoy your dinner.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are feeling better. If I ate all I wanted to I would be as big as the side of the house. I know what you mean about getting full. It very seldom happens for me. I have read if you go brush your teeth then you aren't hungry. It does work sometimes. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, thats hard when you don't feel full, and always hungry.  Maybe choosing snacks that are low cal, and if you eat a bunch of those, you can keep on eating!!  I know its not as yummy as cookies and chips!  My weakness is chips...any kind!!  I've resorted to pretzels.  Not as good tasting, but it seems to take the edge off the craving.  Lots of sodium though :(
xoxo ~Myra

Anonymous said...

Dear JUlie, I hope this helps a little bit,  you are not on a planet by yourself. I am "fat", I use the word "fluffy" and my grandson calls me his fluffy pillow!  I have always been that way with the exception of my first wedding! I feasted on diet pills until I shed 80lbs and then had them poured down the toilet by my ex hubby because he couldn't stand my constant motion "speed". Food is my crutch, if I am hurting I eat, if I am depressed I eat...Your MIL is probably a good person at heart but she is probably like my hubby..he can eat all day and is as thin as a bean pole. Don't take us vintage seniors badly..we were in your shoes once and we probably crossed our eyes at our MIL's haha. We just have to fight the bigger battle which is not an easy one.
Big Hugs and honey, you are allowed to slip and fall now and then, just brush yourself off, get up, and start over again :)))))))) You can't loose the battle unless you give up. Good luck & God Bless my hand is out to you sooooo come on..let me help you up!
Hugs from the Fluffy Doreen

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I know that feeling all too welll....for me, it's called a binge, and so, so, SO easy to go on one.     Like the "hello"  lol

Anonymous said...

PS  I'm really glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Great Medal!
I'm glad you are no longer having back makes those surgery decisions worth while :)
It must be hard to never feel full, have you ever talked to the Doctor about that? I wonder if they could hypnotize you for something like that? I never knew anyone that did it, but I hear it works for some people.
Don't worry about the bad night, it was just that.....a bad night, and now it's over.
Tomorrow always bring us a fresh start :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better, and I'm very happy you are still reaping the benefits of the reduction.  That smilie you have used is hypnotic...maybe it is the fact that I am about to fall over asleep here at the computer.  If you do end up out with your camera, be sure to take extra batteries as the cold will seriously reduce their operating time.


Anonymous said...

Very happy you are feeling better...what great news to share...hugs and love,