Monday, January 8, 2007

Conversation with my Demons

  Everyone who as ever tried to lose weight or quit smoking or any other give up something you love but is bad for you journey will recognize these critters.  The demons in your head.

  We had a pot luck at work this weekend.  Oh the head noise.

Me:  I will just have a small amount of this as I have counted in the calories already and know how much I can have.

  What, are you crazy...look at that cheesecake!  One little piece of that won't hurt you

Yes it will, a moment in the lips....a lifetime on my hips

  How could you insult your friends and co-workers by not eating the treats they worked so hard at making?

They know I am trying to lose weight and support me in my effort.

  Ya know Julie, things are looking bad in the world, you never know when WW3 will start and eating like this will be just a memory, you should stock up now....

Well, you do have a point....NO NO shut-up.  I am NOT listening to you.  Go away.....

  Just smell that pizza.....That must be what heaven smells like.....

Oh, I love the smell of pizza and why is it chocolate smells so good.

  Right, you can't even smell that apple your eating.  How can that be good for you if you can't smell it.  Come on..... just a bite......or 2


This is a daily conversation.  Most of the time I win,  not always.  I fought these demons when I quit smoking also.

  Well, I made it through my 4 day stretch for the most part intact.  I get today off.  In the morning I go for my lab work to start my POWER program.  I am excited for it to start.  Having other people weigh me always strengthens my resolve.  Paying me to lose weight instead of me paying someone is also very nice.  I will try to hear of sound of my wallet snapping shut instead of my demons.

   Well, what is going on in the world.  New York is under the cloud of some stench.  And there is not a garbage strike!  Glad I am not there except maybe that would make me lose my appetite.

  Read today that the man who hired someone to let him eat him, and had someone actually apply and get eaten....killed his cell mate and ate parts of him also.  And I thought my eating habits were bad!  Hopefully the jailers learned a lesson from this, no cell mates for this sick-o

  Today is Monday, date night with hubby and time to unwind from the stresses of the work world.  Time to giggle and flirt and have a beer.  For tomorrow!  Tomorrow I work again.  Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Love the little demons!   They're kinda scary if you look at them for too long.  Seen too many scary movies!

I have a similar line of reasoning with myself all the time.  Oh, just a teeny tiny taste won't hurt me......two plates later....... Oh, my tummy hurts!!!!

Have a great date!

Anonymous said...

Hahaaa I loved your journal page, the little demons hahaha OMG do they chase me around all day!!! Loosing is not easy but I have to admit I quit smoking 14 years ago and am diong the 1200 calories a day, 10lbs at a time thingy, and writing it all down as I go. The Navy finally opted to help and left me hit their PE area starting the 22nd.,don't know if I want the privae trainer that sounds too much like having a drill sargeant,  then I hit water aerobics and some block walking! So far I am doing good but I still look as wide as ever!
I have to laugh because I see some family members who say they are dieting but have tons of candy and desserts all over so I do know when I gave all mine away I only had to deal with the demons in my head!
Kick back with your honey tonight and have a  Black and Tan on me.
Hugs from Doreen

Anonymous said...

Those demons live in MY head too!!  They are very busy, running from head to head.  DAMN those demons!!!

Have fun tonight!


Anonymous said...

The demons are always there with some logical excuse to have what we're denying ourselves! I hope you win the arguments with them! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Freakin' demons.     I thought it was another personality of mine emerging and growing in my head.     I've had those conversations wayyyy too many times.

Anonymous said...

My food demons have a tendency to win.  So often I am powerless against them.  How can a single urge be SO intense?  Weird.

Anonymous said...

Oh man...I HATE those Demons and I think yours are travelers because those same ones have visited me a time or two!! You're doing good though...keep up the good fight. Hmmmmm, maybe before weigh in, I could apply for someone to eat a couple of my fingers off so I have a loss ;)

Pooh Hugs,