Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Good Morning everyone

  The morning won't be as good for some people in Omaha Nebraska today thanks to a recent lawsuit.  A woman walking in a public park tripped in a hole breaking her ankle.  Knowing her ship had come in, you know my feelings on this, she promptly sued and somehow won!  That's what gets me.  She wasn't watching where she was going and the state gets sued and loses.  What in the world is wrong with our country. 

   As a direct result of this lawsuit Omaha and other cities in Neb. promptly closed all of their parks to sledding and ice fishing or skating for fear of more lawsuits.  All the new sleds the kids got for Christmas will have to sit in the garage because it would cost the taxpayers of Neb. too much to let them use it.  This woman, thinking only of her ship coming in, cost the taxpayers, that's me, a taxpayer, if I lived in Neb, a fortune and has effectively eliminated a long time recreational pastime for generations to come.

   I think we all have to start taking responsibility for our own actions.  It is not the states fault you can't watch were your going, its not the stores fault some customer drops water on the bathroom floor causing you to fall.  Its just an ACCIDENT.

  The dictionary list accident as below.  Notice how in 2c it now includes lawsuit.  Looking in my old dictionary that it not in there. 

Main Entry: ac·ci·dent
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'ak-s&-d&nt, -"dent; 'aks-d&nt
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin acci dent-, accidens nonessential quality, chance, from present participle of accidere to happen, from ad- + cadere to fall -- more at chance
1 a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity : chance<met by accident rather than by design>
2 a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious <a cerebrovascular accident> c : an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought
3 : a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance <the accident of nationality>
   We should all do our part to stop these unnecessary and ridiculous lawsuits before they have completely eliminated everything and anything we do for enjoyment.  Before all the parks are closed, all property is off limits, and our insurance rates get any higher then they are now.  There is legislation being looked at now to put a ceiling on these types of lawsuits. Let your favorite politician know you favor them.  Hopefully your favorite politician isn't also a lawyer.
   As a teen I ran across a wet street barefoot.  I slipped on the tile of the store across the street and put my foot through the window.  I had to get glass dug out of my foot and stitches.  A year later I was still digging a piece of glass out of my foot.  Now remember we were poor people.  We did not sue and we paid for the window plus our hospital bills.  I learned not to run across wet streets barefoot having directly seen the cause and effect this had.  And knowing full well it was an ACCIDENT.
   You know, sometimes I think I shouldn't read the news.  At least not first thing in the morning.  Drink my coffee and do something pleasant for awhile so I don't start my days off in a rage.  But would it be better to read this before bed?  Then I wouldn't be able to sleep.  Sigh.  Well, it is off my chest now.  Now I will research the news and find out who to write too to complain about these type of things and what we can do to put a stop to them.  Then I will retire to my bedroom to meditate.  That always gets me balanced again.  Yes, that's it.....just breath..... ommmmmm


Anonymous said...

AMEN! "Ridiculous" lawsuits certainly have altered the way we live or at least used to live. In William Shakespeare's Henry IV "...The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. ... Away with him, I say! hang him with his pen and ink-horn about his neck..." Lawyers have been pushing people over the edge as long as writers have been writing. <grin> ... and of course, they get a huge piece of the action of that ship when it comes in.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to have to say this, but I've HAD it with this bl**dy-minded culture of suing everybody over the merest fart your side of the pond. No offense intended. Next thing, we'll see kiddies suing parents over the ingestion of grains of sand from the play pit because it gave them the runs. AAARGH!!!

Anonymous said...

One time when my husband and I were coaching little league and we were playing in a parent/coach/volunteer softball game....a good friend of mine got hurt pretty bad.  But we all signed a waiver before the game.  Of course, everyone there was called to testify against her and so we did.  She was so mad but hey, she signed the waiver, I signed it too.  Plus you don't sue a little league that is non-profit for kids! duh.  She still won and she got over it eventually.  Just people like that make me mad so I can relate to this entry.  Love ya, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you and I think it's gotten so out of hand.  As a's always in the back of my mind.  I censor everything....what I say to the I say things.  What I do.  How much I do.  It's taken some of the joy out of it. Yanno?

Anonymous said...

People are idiots.   From the people who file the lawsuits, the lawyers who handle them, and the judges/juries/politicians who let it get this out of hand...Idiots.

Anonymous said...

I hate the compensation culture too! Everyone has accidents and we should learn by them, not sue people. It's all to do with monetary greed which I can't stand either! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

sue happy...... this world is full of nuts!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha omg aren't you right on sue happy people...ummm gee some of this all sounds familiar!!! Can it be something I almost did a year ago? Are you talking about me? Can I sue you? Wait let me call my lawyer and see if I can collect mental anguish, ummm slander, internet fraud...might get me a hamburger and frys!
:)))))))))) I do agree. Some people make it their lifes goal to try to become rich on law suits! Can you imagine all that money the one lady got for getting burned on HOT coffee at McDonalds?? She put the cup "between her legs"...generally I expect coffee to be hot and the last place the cup is going is between my legs! I'm amazed the judge didnt' sent her to the funny farm for a week and had her hormone levels checked!
:)))))))) Doreen    

Anonymous said...

It truly IS insanity.  Lawsuits have driven up the costs of health care for all of us.  Doctors and nurses pay horrifying premiums to carry malpractice insurance to protect us from lawsuit happy people.  Nursing homes in Florida are becoming a thing of the past because health care companies are pulling out of that over-lawyered state; they cannot afford to be sued every day.  Shameful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie..... your quite right about these people cashing in at everyone elses expence. Its getting like that here in Scotland too. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog .Its funny to think I have someone in the USA ( I LOVE AMERICA) showing an interest in the song. I would be thrilled if an artist from the USA were to take up the challenge of producing the single. Its a little bit "cha cha slide" type of thing. Only Good luck to you in your battle with arthritis.My mum has the same thing and its just awful watching her suffer. Isnt science getting any closer to a cure for this affliction?  ( 11pm) Glasgow time.

BILLY xxxx