Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Beautiful Fall day

 It is lovely out today.  We went to the gym this morning and worked out for 2 hours.  The trainer actually showed us how to work the machines and it makes a huge differance doing it correctly.  I did some ab work also which I really need.  I had a slim fast for breakfast and a half of a lite english muffin with low fat peanut butter.  When we got back I had left over chicken and some brown rice.  Around 2 we are going to Adams homestead for a 10 mile bike ride.  I wonder how many more of them we will get in. 

   No weight loss this week.  I was down alittle Sunday but am back at where I was today.  But I am not up so that is good.

   We did go for the bike ride and did 2 hours at the gym.  The ride was wonderful.  We saw a beautiful dear leaping across the field in front of us and there were lots of pheasants flying low across the corn fields.  The air was heavy with the spicy scent of drying leaves.  It was so nice.

   At home we made pork and cooked it simular to the chicken last night but I added sliced apples and parsley.  I made wild rice and brocoli with lemon juice and crushed walnuts.  What a great meal.  What a nice day.


Anonymous said...

This was a beautiful day.  I especially liked the scent of drying leaves. I think I will have pork for dinner today. Thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

 It was a nice day.   I wish I could make a candle that smelled the way it did out there.  Burn it in the winter and instantly be transformed back to that lovely fall day.