Friday, April 21, 2006


   There is something so soothing about planting things to grow.  I got 5 of my hanging planters done, the whiskey barrel, the big planter except I need one more plant, and some more bedding plants.  There were so many new plants this year it was hard to decide what to get.  Since it has still been getting cold at night I made sure the ones in the hanging plants could be brought in while the bedding plants were cold hardy.

  I bought some Great Cascade which are a deep wine red perfect for hanging planters and new to me, some Luminaire trailing snapdragon which have a yellow center and orange red finish, also new to me and great in a hanging planters, Some goldilocks which are just a light green folage trailing plant to mix in with the flowers, Calibrachoa for my big planter in 2 colors and will get one more to finish out the planter. I love this plant as it gets ton of flowers, is very heat tolerant and can stand little watering.  I got a peach and yellow and will look for the dark red ones,  Black heart for the big planter which is a deep maroon leaf,  Toucan Tango for a hanging planter, purple daisy like flowers that smell great, Walkabout Sunset also new to me with a yelow-green foliage accented with yellow flowers that bloom all year until winter. Callie for the big planter, bright yellow flower that bloom all year, Autumnale ( another new one), gold leaved with a fluch of orange and purple and I can't wait to see how they do, Lobelia Blue Moon for the hanging baskets as they always do well and are quite showy and I mixed them with snow crystal alyssum, a small white accent flower, and then some sweet potatoe vine.   Sounds like alot, but I have quite abit more to plant plus I would like to get some shrubs planted and another pear tree.  We have so much property I can go wild, but Rick witches about mowing around them and has been know to "accidently" mow some under.  I should plant more that come up every year but I would miss out on the new ones that come out.

  The coleus looks pretty tiny right now but are show stoppers when big.  I have had people stop and compliment me on them.

  This need one more plant and I will get a dark red one to compliment the other colors.  This is the one with the flowers that bloom all year and are heat hardy plus I have the sweet potatoe and dark leaf plant.  Should be very pretty when it grows more.



  My primroses and hanging baskets.  They look pretty sad right now but, if the deer don't eat them all, will be beautiful soon.  Rick just reminded me I still have my geraniums in the van.  I forgot them.  Great I have enough for a couple more baskets!



Anonymous said...

They all look great!  Can't wait to see them when they are bigger!

Anonymous said...

They're soooo pretty! ;0)
I love flowers & plants!!!
Have a good wkend!