Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Crash and Burn

   Ok, some idiot gave me a virus and I lost everything.  What a childish stupid thing for people to do who have no real life.  Anyway it took 3 days to get everything working again and my phone also decided to crash and burn.  Without TV I am lost as far as news.  I listen to the radio everyday but I sure wanted to see the pictures of the flood.  I am still weighing in at 218.3 and have been exercising everyday.  According to my chart I am suppose to eat these many calories to lose weight.

To lose two pounds per week, you will need to eat approximately 1701 calories per day.

I am eating less then that and am still on a plateau.  I am going to go down to 1200 for a week and then back up to 1500 to see if that helps.  I no I am going down on inches because of the way my clothes fit.  My husband says I am getting my curves back.  Did Curves today and water aerobics yesterday.  Wanted to go on a bike ride but had to much to do around the house.

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