And it is a sad thing. The days go so fast. First thing this morning I jumped on the scale. Back up to where I was. AARRRGGGHHH. I am always heavier after a bike ride, but I feel like I did pretty good yesterday. I just can't get into the swing of it yet I guess. I need to try harder, give up my beloved occasional beer and bread.
My son is going to the doctors soon. I am worried. His right leg is twice as big as the left today and really hurting. His pulse is hard to find and it was better then this a couple of days ago. Monday he was almost pain free and then yesterday the leg started to swell more and he is really hurting. I hope he doesn't have a clot. The foot feels slightly cooler. My heart patients that have bypass have veins removed and they don't get like this so I am worried. I am glad they moved his appointment up.
No exercise today. My arms are not as sore as yesterday and surprisingly my leg doesn't hurt from the charlie horse yesterday. I should hit the gym tomorrow and probably will to make sure I don't get this sore ever again.
For breakfast I had slim fast and I had a turkey sandwich and yogurt for lunch. Supper is still up in the air.
Well, time to get ready to take my son. He had a difficult time getting his shoe on. I wonder if I should get a wheelchair to get him upstairs.
I hope there is not anything seriously wrong with your son's leg and hope it getsbetter soon. Doesn't sound good the pulse being so weak. Helen
Your poor son! Think I'll have to say a prayer for him...and you! Keep up posted!
Your poor son...I will pray for him and wish you guys all the best. Let us know how it goes.
i hope your son is ok:) good luck with the diet
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