Monday, March 13, 2006


I was doing my hypnoses tape last night.  I really need to get on track.  I swear I can feel my fat cells swelling again.  Yesterday after the auction I was starving from being surrounded by people eating ruben's and loosemeats so when we left I stopped and got a sandwich.  I could have gotten something better for me but I got a philly cheese.  Very fattening.   I did pretty good the rest of the day and had soup for supper and sugar free ice cream for dessert but my lack of exercise is taking its tole.  I am going to the gym today.
Woke up to a white blanket of snow on the ground.  What a sad thing.  It could have been worse of course.  I read about the tornadoes down south.  How terrible.  I am glad we don't get many of them.  
I didn't get anything at the auction.  Everything went very, very, high.  I wouldn't have made any type of profit that way.  I plan of eating good tonight.  I am having chicken cordon bleu tonight which might not be the best choice but will bake it and make a brown rice to go with it with veggies.  I am out of slim fast so will have cereal for breakfast and a salad for lunch.  I am afraid to step on the scale.
I got this from the kick on the tush club, but have been doing it for awhile because it is part of my meditation tape.  It is easy to do and makes your walk less boring if you're doing it on a treadmill.   Give it a try.
Take a Walk on the Mild Side

Want to meditate but you just can’t stand the thought of sitting?  Try Walking Meditation.  Become aware of your body in motion.

Walking Meditation is an active meditation.  It is your basic slow, run-of-the-mill walk, but with one extra special ingredient - awareness!  You can walk in circles or in a line, ten steps forward, fifteen backwards or twenty to the side, inside the loop or outside the loop.  The only thing you need to do is pay attention as your feet touch the ground.  

Stay mindful of each step – the sensation, the rhythm, the sound. If your mind wanders (and you can bet it will), gently bring your attention back to your feet and the gentle motion of walking.  

Walking Meditation allows you to keep your eyes open.  Rather than withdrawing from the outside world, you are shifting your attention to it. Be one with the wind, the sun, the sounds of nature, as well as the trains, barking dogs, and talking heads.

The benefits of Walking Meditation are:
  • Cultivates self-awareness.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Invigorates a tired soul.
  • Relaxes one during stressful times.
  • When done for extended periods of time, walking meditation can build strength and stamina.

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