Monday, March 6, 2006


  Finally a day off.  I am so sore and it really hit home it had only been 7 weeks since my surgery.  I had to ice my breasts last night as they were swollen and sore.  We were so busy all weekend.  Lots of patients and pneumonia is going strong.  I work tomorrow again so had better rest up good tonight.  I have to pack some packages and bring them to the post office and I will soak in a tub tonight.

   Eating was good at work Friday and Saturday but not so good last night.  Big bag of candy to tempt me.  Hopefully as much as we were running I ran off the calories.  I haven't been to the gym since Wed.  I won't make it today so will do water aerobics tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that tempting bag of candy!  Those little temptations always seem to pop up when we think we're doing so well, don't they?

I'm also sorry that you had to ice your breasts the night before this entry.  I hope that they are feeling much better, now.  7 weeks really isn't very long at all!
