Monday, July 11, 2005

July 11 2005, Swimming Suit shock Therapy

 I am down 17 pounds and 4 oz.  I broke down and bought a scale and have become a junkie about stepping on it.  Not good but it keeps going down so I love it.   

   I am still working out and would love to get my bike out but the doctor says no.  I cancelled my cardiology workup for pre-op lap band because my insurance isn't going to cover it and I can't afford it. 

  I decided to venture forth in my quest for a swimsuit, perferable one that completely covered me from head to toe.  I like the ones from the 20's.  My kind of suit.  Anyway, that was enough to make sure I am always going to stay on track with my diet.  Shock Therapy.  I should get one to put on everytime I want to eat.  It is bad enough I look like the bride of Frankenstein since all my surgeries without all those horrible bulges.

  How did I let this happen to myself.  My only crime was the love of good food and a great microbrew.  Sigh.  I eat less then my husband and he stays thin, whine whine whine whine.  Ok enought of that, onward.

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