I had to call my sister to tell her some bad news. It had to be done and I was elected. This is the sister I usually get along with. Well not this time. She was really ticked. And at me. Sheesh. What had I done? Out of the blue she turns on me and got very snotty. I ended up hanging up on her. What is up with these people. I am used to hanging around people without similar interests and believes. You can have likely discussions on any subject. No one gets offended or hurt. Its just discussing the different things we happy to believe in or don't in an adult rational way. I always seem to toptoe around my family. Well. lifes to short for this drama
I am very tired and very store today. Time to go to Bed. Have a restful Sunday
Maybe things will be better after you wake up...sleep well, many hugs,
hopefully after some rest and your sister has time to think about things, you can talk and it will be worked out. you were just the messenger. {{{julie}}}
Julie....I know that was tough to take. Sometimes folks just have a way of reacting badly, and sounds like sister did. I'm sure once you get some rest and she gets over herself, you two can talk again and things will be better. I'm so sorry.
hope the news has sunk in and your sister realizes you are only the bearer of the news not the cause of it.
I know it hurts when you own family turns on you. I hope she realizes she did wrong by you and gives you an apology. Helen
Sorry you had an upset with your sister. I am sorry you feel so low, hope tomorrow will be better for you.
I'm sorry you were the one elected to give the bad news... I hope you are feeling better soon, and sister understands. Take care - Julie
Aw, Julie, I hate that. My mother is mellow now because she is so old but we never were permitted to disagree with her ever. Looks like the messenger got shot, hunh? Hope you feel better physically and emotionally. Chris
Sometimes it can be our own family that we can't hardly get along with. It is a shame that you are having to deal with that fact first hand with everything else tha thas been going on.
Sometimes family is the hardest to get along with, know it from experience. And because they are family, the hurt is the deepest. Hope you patch up quickly! De ;)
Families can be hard to deal with. There are always such a varied cast of characters.
i am sorry you got your feelings hurt...
Family members are the hardest people to get along with! I wonder why that is? Maybe because no matter what they do or say to us we'll always love them. I have two brothers, and sometimes (no, all of the time) it's a challenge. I don't call them anymore because I'd prefer not to have the drama in my life. I always need to watch what I say to them -- God forbid I disagree with them. That's just not me! I HAVE to disagree if I don't share their opinions on something! If they happen to remember that they have a sister and want to see how I'm doing and decide to call me, well that's fine then. I'll always have time to talk to them.
Sorry your sister made it rough on you. I hope you're having a better day today!
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