I am getting my MRI today. It was originally scheduled for 7 but they rescheduled it for 9 for me. How nice. I am glad I could sleep in. Of course I didn't sleep well last night just thinking about it. Maybe I can sleep through it.
After that I have to get all the books ready I sold and mailed. The ones I didn't sell on ebay I sold in the auction. They went so well I wish I had sold them all there and saved me the trouble of mailing them but the auctioneer didn't think they would sell. I also have to pick up the cat. We bordered her this weekend as I was pretty sure the auction would flip her out. It was a good thing as the doors were wide open all day. Poor cat has been through so much lately. And at 1 I have a dentist appointment. Just a fun day......not.
Thursday my youngest is flying out to PA to help his older brother move home. That is going to be strange. We are going to be crowded for awhile. I can't wait to see him though. So the days just fly by with all this going on. It will soon be time to go back to work. I would like one day like Saturday so I could ride my bike. I have to start training.
Well bye all. Have a great week.
Another beautiful marble graphic. Good luck on the MRI and the dentist appointment. Sounds as if your day is going to be a busy one. Helen
Well.....this day can't last forever! I hear those MRI's are noisy and it's hard to lay so still and straight so long...but I hope you do sleep right through it, and that all turns out good. The dentist ought to be a breeze after that.
PS: I really love the graphic...Linda did a grand job, didn't she?
i know you'll be happy to have your son home...just wish it were different circumstances. hope the mri goes well....and good luck with the dentist.
Good luck with the dentist...I just had to make an appt. with an oral surgeon for an implant and I'm sick over it.
Hope all goes well with your MRI, Julie. I forgot your son lived in my neck of the woods. I hope he finds some peace and comfort with you for a while. Chris
Good luck on your MRI Julie. I'm thinkin bout ya. Love, Shelly
Best wishes to you today.. :) Julie
I hope everything went well and you will have the results soon.
I hope everything went okay with the MRI Julie.....and I hope you will know soon what it says! The Dentist? You went to the Dentist today too???? You poor woman.....what a day. {{{Julie}}}
Put your feet up tonight and kick back :)
Pooh Hugs,
hope all went well:)
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