As suspected I have another disc in my neck that is getting bad and Monday morning bright and early, 7 am yikes, I am getting a MRI. I am ticked as they won't do the thoracic at the same time. Most of my pain is between my shoulder blades. Now if you have never had a MRI they aren't much fun. I have a slight panic attack in them. To confining. I try to meditate and they used to let you listen to music, no more. Plus for the neck they immobilize your head. I just hate them but hopefully it will go well.
Work is going to be difficult tonight. I am having a pretty good dose of pain. Can't take anything but tylenol either, bummer. So thats my sad tale.
I hope that you don't have any problems getting that MRI. I hate doing those things. When a person is in pain it's hard to lie still. I have had several before with this back. Once they did the neck also and that took one and a half hours of not moving a muscle. Hard to do with the pain in the upper back as well as the lower back. Have you tried using ice packs on that spot to help with the pain? I have to do that since I can't tolerate pain meds. Helen
I hope the MRI isn't too uncomfortable for you, I always found lying on my back very painful when I had my slipped discs. I hope work will go quickly too, although it never does when you're in pain does it? Jeannette xx
I hate MRI's - good luck.
I was in the room with my son when he had an MRI of his brain. They gave him a mirror so when he opened his eyes he could see me standing at the foot of the machine. I had a panic attack just WATCHING him in there with that thing around his I know exactly what you mean. Can't they give you some sort of sedation or something to make you sleep? I would never be able to go in way. I will be praying for you....I hope it's quick and uneventful!!!!
Julie- good luck with the MRI. i hope they are able to find the problem...and the solution. I also hope you have an easy night at work :)
i just had an mri on my back this i laid there listening to the noise, i just tried to identify all the weird sounds,,,ya know...hammer hammering, machine gun firing, a chant of dr pepper, dr pepper, dr yep...those were just a few of the sounds i heard. hope you can find something to focus on so that it will pass quickly.
((( Julie ))) I hope you are in not too much pain :( Take care - Julie
Sorry to hear of your pain julie....hang in there.
I haven't had an MRI before, but I've seen them done plenty of times. I can see how they would be a little confining. It is fun on the other end to see the insides of the body sliced up like deli ham in the computer. I do hope you get to feeling better soon. This is prime bike riding time, and you need to be in a better state to be able to enjoy it.
Oh take know your limits...and my prayers go out to you. Hugs and love,
I had an MRI of my lower back once. It was the kind that just lowers over you though. Even with that I had to take a sedative LOL!
Hope it all goes ok with you. I'm sorry to hear of your neck pain.
I had an MRI of my lower back once. It was the kind that just lowers over you though. Even with that I had to take a sedative LOL!
Hope it all goes ok with you. I'm sorry to hear of your neck pain.
{{{Julie}}} I'm so sorry my friend. If I could take the MRI for you, I would. You will be in my prayers.....every day.
Pooh Hugs,
I can so relate...I had to do 4 in one year right after I went deaf. Talk about claustrophobic and not even being able to hear a pin drop on top of that. I'm keeping you in my prayers on the smoke that all goes well hon. (Hugs) Indigo
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