There weren't many people on the trails so it was nice. We could ride side by side which you don't get to do often. Rick is doing better lately. We finally laid his mother's ashes to rest. He was having a problem getting it done but is relieved its over. We haven't talked to BIL since a week and he still hasn't paid us so we are going to sell his half of the coins for the money.
We saw some pretty flowers I got shots of.
Then I saw this pretty little spellway.
If you zoomed in. Pan out and the worst of people comes to light.
Doesn't that just make you sick. Its right by the dock. I suppose everyone just cleans out their boats and toss it in the water. Things like this really anger. Forget about global warming and being green. Clean up your mess, don't litter. That is far more important.
These are even more beautiful. Yes, some people are awful the way they can and do litter. The zoomed picture is a good one though. Glad that your snap pack worked out good. Sell those coins and get your money. Helen
All beautiful pics but love the spillway closeup the best. Emmi
The spillway is a great shot as all of them are.... it is disgusting how folks just throw things our wherever they are. GRRR
AWESOME photos!! Simply love the flowers! Thanks for starting my morning on a beautiful note!
Estela in South TX
That camera takes AWESOME pictures. And I agree....EVERYONE SHOULD JUST STOP LITTERING!!! What a difference that would make in the world!!
I'm glad you and your husband had a good day :) Nice pictures!! Julie
I'm glad you both had such a good day. Those kind of days are to be treasured.
GREAT PICS!!! and i agree on your points made about littering we all need to keep Nature clean....i forgot, what kind of camera do you have? and are you using a micro lens on the flowers? awesome shots!~kbear (kbear's heart)
Sheesh, what a darned shame with all that litter by that spillway. It was so pretty until you zoomed out. People are slobs. Love the flowers. Chris
I'm happy that your bag seems to be working for you so well. I think it was a great idea, and one that will allow you to take your cameras along for your bike rides, which I have seen take you to some pretty nice locations. I couldn't agree more with you about the littering there at the spillway. I've talked about this very same thing on more than one occasion. I'm glad that you are voicing your views here for others to read. It really is up to the individual as to whether or not to litter. Hopefully with more information such as what you have posted here, people will get the idea.
You've taken some great pics, Jules. Too bad about that spillway, some people just don't have enough sense to pour .... out of a boot, with the instructions on the heel.
I'm glad you had such a beautiful day, Julie. The pictures you took were so awesome....I think you made an excellent choice with your camera! I was so saddened to see what people have done to such a beautiful sickens me so to see that some Americans have no respect or value for the treaure that is our Earth. Good for you for exposing it!
Pooh Hugs,
love your pix! and i so agree....why can't everyone clean up after themselves?? it really angers me to, especially to see someone in the actual act of littering!
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