Well I got through 2 nights. I won't even bother to tell you how hard it has been on my back. I am counting down the days. Work has been busy with little emergencies off and on all night that makes the night go fast. Then its home to give Zoey her breakfast and meds and see how MIL did. Sleep for as long as possible then go to MIL's help with supper and whatever and then work.
My MIL has been confused off and on for the last 3 days. Ornery confused. Took off her dressing, refused to take her meds, but then demands her pills 10 minutes later. Wants to go to bed and then 10 minutes later wants up. She has a totally flat affect. No emotion what so ever. No smiles, no frowns, nothing and she has taken to repeating everything over and over. I am thinking her kidneys are shutting down and she is getting confused from the toxins building up. It is no longer safe to even run to the store while she is napping as she is very likely to get up immediately and wander around not using her walker.
So last night I made arrangements for an LPN to come in when we need to leave her. That way when Rick needs to come here to take Zoey out and give her her meds while I am working someone will be there or when he has to go to the store someone will be there. This is only for the days I am working but that way I can keep working for as long as possible. She has repeatedly said how sick she is of the whole thing. I don't blame her.
Well, I amgoing to bed. It is dark and rainy here, perfect for sleeping. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
Hey...glad to hear Zoey is dong much better! So sorry things are rough with the MIL. Dark and rainy makes for good sleeping weather.......sleep well!
You made the right choice in getting an LPN. You can't do everything yourself. This should really help you. Smart thinking.
It's so hard to watch family members when they're ill like your MIL. It doesn't sound like you're having much rest Julie, you have to take care of your back or you won't be any help at all to her and Rick. I hope Zoey is still on the road to recovery. Jeannette xx
Forgot to say I love the little foal! Jeannette xx
First of all, your card has "moved on." (lol) It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.
You have so much on your plate right now. The LPN is definitely a necessity. There's just no way you and your husband can do it all....although you sure do a great job balancing all of this stuff!!!
I am wondering if your MIL has had a stroke is why she is confused or it could be her meds doing that. You might be right about her kidneys also. Good idea to get an LPN when needed. Helen
Poor Betty! Poor you too with your bad back and having to work as well.
I am praying for a more peaceful passing for Betty. May God Bless her rather than make her suffer in this way.
Praying for you all at this awful stressful time.
Jeanie xx
Wow it sounds like what I had to deal with when my mom was sick. She was in CHF and her brain just wasn't getting the blood it needed. I also had to hire a nurse to be here with her when I wasn't able. At the time it was so expensive, too! I imagine it costs even MORE now!
I feel bad for all of you guys. It's soooo hard, I know. I wish you all the best in this.
I know how frazzled you must be, and how hard it is work with pain. I strained my shoulder last night taking care of an exercist patient (I know you understand that comment). Hope you feel better and MIL doesn't have to suffer too much longer. De
((((((Julie))))))) I admire your strength. I know this is even tougher on y'all than you tell us here. Praying for you guys.....
hang in there...
Continued prayers....
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