I get to work tonight. 8 hours of it is considered holiday pay. Triple time. Time to get paid what I am worth, Yippy! I don't know when the raise went into effect. If it was the first it will be a goodly amount of money for my empty pockets.
I slept poorly last night. When my back is out the nights are the worse. Trying to get comfortable. I sleep with multiple pillows. Toss and turn all night trying to get pain free. What works for awhile only works for awhile. I also got some pretty good charlie horses. I thought that drink I drank on the ride was suppose to prevent these. So I will be less then well rested tonight. Sigh.
Today I am going back to my no white diet for awhile. No breads, no white potatoes, no sugars, no white rice or white noodles, ( actually I only use wheat noodles), and I am measuring my portions again. My biggest downfall, portion control. I am at a standstill in my weight loss. Doesn't seem to matter how much I exercise I still have this gut. My heart attack gut according to the American Heart Association. It feels great to grandbabies when you rock them to sleep but that is all it is good for.
Wish I could share some with my MIL. She is down to 115 pounds. How she could get any thinner is beyond me. She is a tall woman. She was 5'9" but is down to 5"7" now. I was teasing her yesterday about her hip new look, pants drooping half way down her butt with her panties showing. Tight pants hurt her stomach though. So loose it is. She needs some fancier boxers though if she is going for that style. White just my size don't cut it.
The news across the pond is so disturbing. Please let everyone be OK. We should all really think about the 4th tomorrow and what Freedom means. Highest praises to the way the officials are right on top of things over there and I pray they keep warding off more attacks.
I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. I will probably sleep most of it. It is suppose to be hot hot hot. Take care. Let Freedom Ring tomorrow.
i feel so bad about your MIL. if i lived closer i would visit everyday. and i would bug you too lol have a good 4th
Have a great 4th hon! Your MIL weighs 5lbs less than I do and I'm 5'1. Hope your shift goes quickly and you get plenty of rest when your able to. Wishing you love and peace. (Hugs) Indigo
It's a cool 4th in Pa. The sun is finally peeking through the clouds this evening. I get charlie horses at night also. They hurt like heck. I increased my calcium which has helped a bit. Whoo hoo to triple time. I could deal with that. Chris
It was hot hot hot here in Phoenix, 115. I slept some of it after working last night. Hope you had a great 4th. De ;)
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