We got a great ride in today. We went to Adam's and rode but took some new trails they put in. These trails are grass and sand and I tell you are much different then riding on gravel. My legs felt like lead and it totally wore me out. It was so pretty though. We went through the prettiest meadow with purple flowers all over. Scared deer as we went around corners and flushing out some pheasants in the fields..... it was so calming. Just what I needed. Exhaust the body so the mind can rest.
We only did around 8 miles but since it was on so many different surfaces it seemed like further. I think if we rode there and at the new trail as often as possible we should be ready for the Black Hills in no time. And I can't wait to take pictures from there. It is just beautiful. If you have never been there you should go. Pretty pricey as everything costs money but so worth seeing.
I managed to get out of cooking,
I have another ebay sale going on. My client wants everything sold quickly. This is definitely the last consignment sale I am doing. Lots of work for very little money.
Well, time to go read for awhile. Take care all.
Well Julie its 12.45a.m now and just before I hit the hay I wish you a good nights sleep after that lovely bike ride. You certainly saw lots of Nature where you rode today. I would have loved to have seen that. You know what I am like for 'nature'. I'm not so keen on the hard work on the bike though. I wouldn't want to ache so much afterwards. So glad you had a great time and dined out too. Good on you both! Hugs Jeanie
have a good friday:) the bike ride sounded fun :) so what did Rick eat???? LOL
That ride sounded more like work than fun! But the natures scenes...that would have been great. There was a pond not far from my home where we ride sometimes, and deer stayed around there...but they are filling it up and putting more houses there. :( Rest well.
PS: My journal turns 2 in December.
Sounds like you had some much needed relaxation. Glad you had a chance to go for a ride.
and i can't wait to see your pix! glad you enjoyed the bike ride...maybe i need something like that so i could sleep! lol
I'm so glad you and Rick got out for a bike ride. I know you enjoy it so much. I cringed when you said "only 8 miles" because I'd DIE if I had to do 8 miles right now! You are in great shape!!
I look forward to your Black Hills photos when you go! Hope you have a good weekend...and get some REST tonight. You deserve it!
OMG, I'm laughing because I think I gain weight when anyone around me eats. I think I just inhale their calories. Sigh! Glad you got a good bike ride in. De ;)
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