Well, one more night of work. It has been like I haven't been gone at all. Tody is my birthday so they made me a sheet cookie decorated and we had pizza. I got some pretty candles, they smell so nice. And the Rick gave me what I wanted. At the cabin they had a eureka floor vacumm for bare floors. It was light weight and wouldn't harm the floors. I wanted one and I got one. Those dust bunnies can't escape me now. Of course i already got some jewelry and a new purse and wallet. '
It is strange being 54. 2 years older then my mother lived. 2 years younger then my grandmother lived to be. Will I make it that old or am I in my twilight years Things that seemed important now don't seem the same Work is watching you. Hoping to find a way to fire you before you get all that retirement money.They are watching you hoping for failure.as they can replace you at half your salary and bennies, I can't even begin to tell you how many nurses lately have been fired that have worked their over 20 years. Valuable nurses with years of experience. It all comes down to the bottom dollar. Everyone is worried about it.
Anyway, enough of that. I am going to bed. I am sleepy and hope to sleep a few hours Night all.
A very Happy Birthday my friend from one September girl to another! I am glad you had some nice gifts and got what you wanted. Yes, firms today want younger and younger so they can pay less. They forget it is experience that counts, not only of the job but of life. Like the picture of the lizard.
Well, Happy Birthday Jules! Many, many more !
Happy Birthday Julie! Those were nice birthday gifts. A lot of people let people go who are nearing retirement to get out of paying full retirement. That should be against the law to do that. The same thing happened to my SIL. Cut his retirement way down then taxed it on top of that. I thought that money had already been taxed once when it was earned. Makes me mad for companies to treat people like that. Great picture. Helen
Julie!...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Isn't it nice when we can actually tell someone what we want for our birthday, and then get it!?!?!?
I hear you on the yrs of service. I don't worry about being let go (I work at my local school district), but when I look around at the other campus secretaries, some of them born just a few years ago...well, they may be earning beginning salary, but the district is getting beginner's work incompetence. Nothing can ever replace life's experiences...and this old gal has 53 yrs of 'em!
Have a wonderful day!
Estela in South TX
...glad Ike didn't come here after all, but praying for my fellow Texans just a few miles up northeast...
Happy birthday, mine was on the 9th which makes us the same star sign. I also got what I asked for, a new sewing machine, the old one gave up after around 30 years of use
Happy Birthday, Julie!!!! Wow, lots of birthday 'girls', including yours truly. Mine was last Wednesday, Sept. 10.
Frances in N.E.Texas
so it is the 14th! kewl and my son's too! i'm just 4yrs younger than you and probably so many minutes and seconds...lol anyways glad you had a great day! i'm sure you'll have many more! enjoy your day off!~hugz.kbear
Oh man, I missed your birthday!!! Happy Belated Julie.....I'll mark my calendar now so I'll have it for next year :)
Love & Pooh Hugs,
Par for me, I'm just now catching up with you, and see you snuck a birthday in on me....hope it was a good one. I'm looking through your entries....you really got some great pictures.
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