I am on my last night of work on my stretch. I might pick up a day later in the week as we are so busy, but haven't decided. I am ready for a rest though.
My BIL was over today dropping something off for us to store for him. He has gotten kicked out of his 2nd place he was staying. His beard and mustaches is long and dirty looking with his black teeth peeking out. He is truly scary looking. Since he has long ago gone through his money he is probably detoxing since he is sick. Turns out he quit his job as he says it was affecting his health. Hummm. So this is better? This is what end stage alcoholism looks like. You can talk to him until you are blue in the face, but he is in such complete denial and refuses to change his lifestyle even if he is dying. Rick gave him some more money and the first, the very first thing he asked him is, do you want to get a beer?
I was really hoping maybe hitting bottom would be the key. He found a place to live and got a job. But it was short lived. We should be getting the estate money this week so he will be flush for awhile. But he will blow the money I bet before the year is out. If he lives that long. This is the saddest thing.
Well, I have to get supper ready. Have a great day. It is hot and steamy here. Thank goodness for DC.
What's that old saying... "You can't teach an old dog new tricks...." Or you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink..." I feel sorry for your husband-it must be frustrating for him. Julie
Sounds like he cannot be helped. Is there anyway you can make sure he does not blow the money, I mean like some sort of fund or something that he has to have permission to draw from. If he looks as you describe, he is lucky to have found a job. Must be so hard on you and the family.
WTH? When I first clicked on this link...I swear I saw grapes! Purple freakin' grapes!
I'm losing it.
Sometimes people have to live with the consequences of their decsions...this is one of those times. I don't believe you can help him...This is something that he is going to have to face on his own. Neither you or your husband can be responsible for him.
it is sad and painful i guess for rick too. i guess most of us hold out hope that things will make that turn up till the very end. hopefully, bil will make that change someday.
We have similar problems with my BIL, if he has got money he drinks it, thinks the world owes him a living and there is no employer out there worthy of his employment, they just do not measure up to his expectations. He lost one job because he told the MD that he was not running his company properly, and if he did it his way he would be quids in. Arrogant or what. Add that to bi polar disorder and a terrible skin complaint caused by booze and medication, and I reckons he is just about as scary as your BIL. Will he make 60? Who knows.
Having been down that road your BIL is traveling I can say without a doubt until he wants to admit on his own he needs help, it's a lost cause. I don't think he's hit bottom yet. Bottom is when everyone you know finally stops helping you and you have to find a way to survive on your own. Then again I'm not sure if even that would sober up your BIL. (Hugs)Indigo
I am so sorry I have not been by sooner...you are a wonderful friend who I see commenting often to me...and I love you for that, thank you. Yes, the money can go so fast for your BIL...not good if he blows it...
Hope it all works out...you take care...I am coming by tomorrow after my hubby's appointment to catch up, what I have missed...alerts for you are just not working and I am so mad...hugs and love,
I really am beginning to feel sorry for BIL. I am really going to pray for him. Julie, what is his name?
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