Good morning everyone. Hope you all don't have to go back to work and can enjoy another day of leisure. I always love Mondays as I am off every Monday. Its a good thing.
I slept in late today. Last night I had so many weird dreams and I spent most of the day yesterday groggy from pain pills. I couldn't understand why they were knocking me out so bad and finally read the label. Something I tell my patients to do all the time and highly recommend. Turns out the doc gave me twice the strength I usually take which is why it was knocking me out. Wow. It has been helping with the pain, but my days are just spent in a blur. I can't understand drug or alcoholics who want to spend each and everyday feeling this way. What a complete waste of time if you don't need it for pain. Today I am not going to take anything but tylenol and see if I can get by. I have things I need to do today like mail packages and lets not forget the hair cut.
I am still going around and reading peoples first entries. It is so fun to see how their journals have opened up and developed. Graphics appear, the fonts get prettier, creative juices flow, except in my case lol. I am a rambler.
We are expecting snow again today. This is the type of weather we used to get in January. Now its in February. It is usually our coldest month. If we can get through this month its all uphill to warmer weather. Then we get a month where it is perfect before it gets so hot and humid you can't stand it. Hummmmmm...why do I still live here?
Well, I am off to see how I get through the day. If I have to I can cut my pill in half. Rick has been putting biofreeze on my back and I have been just laying around being a slug and reading. I am hoping and praying it is better by Thursday when I go back to work. The lower back is better. It will be better. IT WILL BE BETTER.
I agree...IT WILL BE BETTER! Enough with the snow already. Move south!! lol
Well, if I was on your list kindly skip my first post, as it was a copy of a gloating and venemous political email I sent out at the time. I've mellowed a tad ;)
I hope you continue to improve! Bad backs are NO fun!
Have a good week.
That back will get better. That back will get better. Helen
Lower back is rough that's for sure. As a caregiver of course there is no failsafe so I've always had to gut it out or been fortunate enough that those BenGay patches hold me together. <grin> Take care! And thanks for making the time to visit.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
it's hard to believe that srping is just around the corner...of course, here in alabama, the past few days have already felt like spring. today it's 62. the sad thing about this it that things will bud out only to be killed in the next cold snap. glad you are doing better.
Hope you have a nice relaxing Monday and take care of that back.
I didn't know people were reading first entries. LOL...I do that with both of mine and others quite a bit. I read many of the archives just to get to know the people I read better. I don't care much for Mondays, of course. Hope you are feeling better. Chris
Hoping you feel better soon.
Yeah.. I see the druggies everyday at work, and they are a "pleasure" to work with... LOL.. I hope you are back to your old self again very soon, drug free! :) Julie
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