I am still having so much trouble with AOL. To visit everyone's journals I have to hit refresh about 5 times and then it still doesn't always come up. Leaving a comment is not always possible. Sometimes it jumps to a different entry! Weird and totally frustrating. I sure hope it is fixed soon if it is not just my computer.
Today is my youngest son's birthday. How in the world did he get so old when I stayed so young and vibrant? How can he be 31? That would make me either the worlds youngest mother or alot older then I like to think about. Anyway..... I am happy he came into our lives.
His entry into the world was full of drama as the cord was around his neck, he was posterior, not breathing and a pretty but frightening blue. While one team whisked him away, another team did their best to stop my bleeding which I guess was concerning them, but all I could think about was my baby that hadn't cried and no one would tell me a thing no matter how many times I pleaded for information.
Finally in recovery I went in search of my son and found in in the ICU nursery, pinker and breathing. I remember standing at the window listening to them page me overhead to please return to the recovery room, LOL. Rick said it was the last time he was leaving for coffee if I was going to cause all that trouble. They had finally told me he was OK, but I had to see for myself.
Could that really have been 31 years ago. This same child has been giving me scares and worries since his birth. He has been in the hospital for pneumonia, Reyes syndrome, kidney failure, tonsils, and the last time a bicycle wreak. Keeps me on my toes. He is very healthy these days though and still rides his bicycle a easy 40 to 60 miles. He is definitely a keeper.
Right now he is living with us. He gave me the money to finish my house and while I pay him back he gets free rent instead of interest on the loan. Now though he is looking for a new house. Maybe his gramma's as he has a new lady friend and feels cramped here. I don't blame him. I do appreciate his support and he has been my joy.
Back to work tonight. The weekend continued to be busy and with the terrible weather is was real fun......not. 2 more days. Before work I have to get a box for some items I sold. My valentines sale is a success. I haven't been to my MIL's to do a thing since last week. I don't plan on going back unless I have proof the sons have been working there in my absence. I can be stubborn also. Who.....ME! giggle.
Even if I can't leave a comment I have been visiting everyones journals. Hopefully this mess will clear up soon. Any suggestion? Who can I email?
The only problem I am having is that every journal is very slow to load. I can leave comments. Happy Birthday to your son.
Happy Birthday to your son. I hope those AOL woes will soon clear up for you. Helen
First, Happy Birthday to your son, Julie! Sheesh, he sure gave you a run for your money with the illnesses. Anyway, I was having the same problems with AOL for about a week. I couldn't open journals. I couldn't open links. I couldn't leave comments. It was hit or miss. Then for two days my Paint Shop was acting up. I couldn't save any thing without it freezing and shutting down. Well, my solution was to restore my computer to a date about 10 days ago. It appeared that some files in my McAfee Security were the problem. When I restored, a fix came up, removed the Security and totally reinstalled it. Keeping my fingers crossed. All seems to be working well now. Chris
Happy Birthday to your son. Left suggestions on your other journal... not sure it will help but it surely can't hurt. Good luck
Strange, for me the journals have been working just fine except for the edit buttons on the side bar items. What I have been having problems with is hometown loading in images. Guess AOL is doing updates again and fixing the bugs as they go.
A big Happy Birthday to your son...time goes by so fast...I too have kids in their 30's. Hope all clears up soon with your concerns with AOL. Been there, done that so much, that it is getting old. Hope your Wednesday is the best...and you have a great rest of the week. Hugs and love,
Happy Birthday to your son ! They grow up so fast and somehow we get stuck in the roller coast on full speed ahead to "old" and sit back and ask, "How did that happen?" I've seen your pictures hon, you definitely don't look old enough to have a 31 year old son. Sorry AOL is being such a pain to you these days. (Hugs) Indigo
Although I seem to always find problens with AOL, I've found that other carriers have the same types of problems. I guess it's just the luck of the draw.
BTW - I was a blue baby also.
Happy Birthday to your son!
What a lovely lad to be so helpfull to you.
My children are in their thirties. My son will be 39 this March...I wonder too where did all the time go? He has three children now.
You sound a lot happier for not going over and doing all the work at Betty's. Delegate is the best word in the dictionary...lol!
Nice to hear that you are selling well in your shop too.
AOHELL is obviously updating your area and computer. Mine runs much better now, although it was hardly worth switching it on at one time.
Hope it is sorted out soon.
Rest up well and save yourself some energy for more smiles.
Big hug
Jeanie xxx
Caregiving often keeps me preoccupied and I have to catch up. First of all I was sorry to read of your family's loss. I admire what you are doing sharing ALL that follows. Nearly everyone will have to go through it. Thank you! ... and of course, last but not least happiest of birthday memories for all.
I have been wondering about you! I thought you weren't posting, so I went in search of you....only to see you have been posting. Somehow I've messed up my alert for you.
How have you been? Gosh, I haven't "seen" you since Betty passed on. How's Rick? I have a lot of catching up to do!!
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