Work went well last night and I had lovely patients. Just a pleasure to take care of. Happily my wrist survived the night well and I didn't have to wear my brace! Still pain an stiffness at the joint but nothing like it was. I don't need to tell you how happy that makes me.
I called to see about rescheduling Ricks procedure to the next day. I can get the time off then but not the night before with the way it is scheduled now. The lady who does scheduling and answers all you questions told us we could call her 24 hours of day, of course she is unavailable until Monday, LOL So we will have to wait and talk to he Monday.
We are having BLT's for supper tonight with fresh home grown tomatoes. Yummy. We use turkey bacon and I like it just as well.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Glad you had a good day at work Julie. I hope you are able to rechedule Ricks procedure on Monday too.
Thank God your hand gave you peace at work. Nay lass! You are made of stronger stuff than me Gunga Din. Lol!
Please put me out of my misery..what are BLT's ??
Jeanie xx
have a good weekend:)
Glad that your wrist is doing better. I hope they will reschedule Rick's surgery until one of your days off. Helen
Love your photos. Especially the top one! Glad your wrist is doing ok.
Krissy :)
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