Well we were getting ready for the ride and I noticed Rick didn't look quite right. Checked his pulse and he was in A- fib again. Now he wouldn't have told me it I didn't recognize the symptoms. As it was in the high 80's and low90's today I am happy I didn't miss it. But he gets sweaty and pale, can't hide that. I refused to go. Having him drop dead or have a stroke is not my idea of a fun ride. His A-fib is increasing again. The meds aren't working. Time to get his ablasion done. This is happening at least once a week now. A-fib is one of the leading cause of stroke. I can't have my favorite bike riding partner drop dead on me. I would miss him, LOL.
It will be a battle talking him into it. He has never had any type of procedure. That is why he doesn't tell me when he has it as he doesn't want me pushing him into this. But it will help hopefully and if it doesn't at least he tried.
It is really hot and muggy. Not nice like yesterday. We are going to watch a movie and take it easy. We are watching Deadwood right now. I am really disappointed in it. Way to much swearing that is not necessary and I don't think they would have used in the movie. Sorry, I don't like swearing. Now when we watched Soprano's they swore, but it was appropriate to that type of movie. This swearing is swearing for the sake of it. Poor writing skills. I don't think we will watch the rest of the series. Glad I didn't pay for HBO and watched it. This is one of the reasons why we gave up TV.
Well, time to get the garbageout. Take care all. Work tomorrow, what fun.
I was raised without a TV, and as an adult I rarely watch it. It's a good thing. Rick needs to take better care of himself. He don't want me to have to come up there to help you drag him to the doctor.
I hope Rick feels better soon. I can't stand swearing either. Helen
glad you caught it before you went on the ride. Ok Rick go and get the procedure done ok?
Its a good thing you caught it before going out for the ride. No bike ride is worth that possible outcome. I hope everything works out and he can get rid of this little "hiccup". I'm right there with you on TV, save for a handful of shows, I don't spend that much time in front of the TV anymore. There is very little creativity on the part of the writers of these shows any more.
When I read your title I went....ohhhh! And then as I read on I thought ..you did right not going. His heart must be sorted out soon Julie. He looks such a fit man on his photo too. Looks deceive some..but not you. You found him out..thank goodness! TV her in England is rubbish! Apart from the nature programmes or archaeology digs or the Angtiques Road Show there is nothing much to make us sit and waste time in front of the 'Box'. I don't like gratuitous swearing or sex on TV. so I'm with you there too. Hope you get your man sorted out soon. Love to Betty. Jeanie xx
The procedure in itself has come a long ways. I think it would be worth the time and his life to get it done. Perhaps you should outline how a person who has a stroke ends up spending his life , versus having the one time procedure done. Men can be so stubborn sometimes! Rick, listen to your wife women tend to care and know more about what is good for our men. (Hugs) Indigo
Sorry to hear about the heart problems, we have similar things going on here, as a result of ankolysing spondalytis my other half needs a valve replacement and we are now just waiting for the date. Make sure you get him well and truly checked out
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