I am off my restrictions. I got good, news bad news at the docs. Good news, no tears, bad news is I am going to hurt for awhile and maybe off and on forever. The MRI showed, (Marrow edema at the posteior aspect of the patella with small subchondral cysts and thinning of the patella cartlage indicates chondromalacia and mild patellar degeneration).
Meaning I did have the patella-femoral syndrome and it may become chronic. Usually due to arthritis, big surprise. So he says to keep doing the exercises, take the motrin, ( just wondering..... has anyone ever had motrin help for pain?) and try not to get it flared up again. Which means I have to suck it up and deal with the pain off and on when it happens until it finally heals or becomes chronic. Figures it wouldn't be something they could easily fix.
Good news is I can go back to work at my regular hours and my regular pay. And I don't have to work today. And if they let me work the entire shift I will get some overtime for this week which I sure could use. I have heard it say that getting old isn't for wimps, and that sure is true.
I finally heard today why they keep going on and on about this global warming frenzy. The real reason came out. They want to tax us on it. I was skeptical before, now I am sure it is pure bunk. Now this is my opinion, my journal so I can believe and write what I want and you don't have to believe it.
I think it is a naturally occurring thing. Plenty of scientists agree with me. But some people are making good money off this. It gives the media and doom and gloom people something to talk about. As if we need something as vague as this with the real threat in the middle east? That that is really scary!
I have heard there are 3 E's that the government uses every time they want to increase taxes and not have people in an uproar over. Education, Elderly, and Environment. What kind of people would we be to deny our children the best education, our elderly health care or housing, our planet a fighting chance. Why monsters! So we dig deep, we dig gladly, we give and we give and we give. But you know what? Our schools still are having big problems, we are falling behind in our education system, our elderly still can't afford food or medication and people still throw their trash out of the car window. We should be putting all that money into biodegradable supplies, but that is another rant. If we could just teach people how not to litter I would pay that tax and it makes so much more sense the global warming being our fault.
So why do we keep falling for this. The people who are predicting our doom have it safely far enough in the future it won't be proved right or wrong in out generation and they can make their entire career on this. Some other new tax raising scheme will come along and global warming will go to the way side just as the predictions of the coming ice age did. In the meantime like good little lemmings we with warm generous hearts give and give and give. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH