Monday, July 31, 2006

I guess this says it all





    Another wonderful day of sweat and grumpy moods.   I went to 3 different stores yesterday looking for a new cheap pool.  They are all sold out, imagine that.   So Rick found the leak in mine and patched it.  At least one of the leaks.  There is still a slow one because alot of the air is out this morning.   We all 3 sat around drinking gallons of tea and water and getting in and out of the pool to stay cool.  When you first get in it is so cold you feel like your heart will burst but it doesn't take long to feel wonderful.

   Rick just got back from a ride.  I am ticked he didn't wake me up so we both could go.  Early is the only way to go if you want to ride.  I suppose I could ride alone but it is nicer with 2. 

    I am so sick of this weather.  I only have AC in my bedrooms and cooking is simply out of the question in doors.   Yesterday we made beef franks and had a cold salad.  I think we will grill kabobs today and make a sweet potato on the grill also.  We have been eating out on the patio because even as hot as it is it is cooler then in the house with the breeze.  Tomorrow we are suppose to get rain and cool down.  I bet it will be lovely on my first day back to work.

    The doctor increased my HCTZ which will help keep the fluid off.  She doesn't know if I have had a BNP test when I was in with my heart cath but will check.  I don't think I will get one if I haven't unless I have some problem down the line.  That test can measure pretty accurately if you have heart failure.CHF 

    Sometimes, (I know I know, as a nurse this might look pretty stupid), it is better not to know.  What you don't know sometimes can't hurt you.  I am weird that way.  I never got a mamogram for years because I am just sure it is something I will never have to worry about.  When they thought I had cancer a few years back and I even had to see a cancer doctor to do my surgery, I still didn't believe I could have cancer.  I just felt I would know if I were that ill.  It wasn't cancer and I feel the same way now.  I just think I would know if I was that sick.  When I meditate I concentrate on my body and feel I am pretty in tune with it.  I can usually pin point problem area's when I am that relaxed so I can work on that area in my meditation.  Don't feel like my heart is that big of a problem yet.  However,  I do realize getting edema this bad is a symptom and something I have to keep on top of.  Maybe this new asthma is related also but I don't feel like it is something that should keep me from exercising so I will continue.  If I can't seem to lose weight all of a sudden,  I can still stay fit.  Right!

   Well, I have some housework I want to do before it gets too hot and I want to post some pictures for the Krissy's photo scavenger hunt and John's photo op.  Stay cool everyone.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunny Sunday

   My plan for today was a ride in the country to do some photo taking.  There are some old farm houses and barns I would love to get some pictures of and some ponds.  I was going to go early while the light was right, but am way too lazy today.  So I think I will do some later in the day when the sun is going down.  Makes for great lighting.

   I finished the book Marley and Me and I really enjoyed it.  My dog does so many of the same things, not all thank goodness, and I cried at the end.  Laughed out loud and cried with a book is a good thing.  Animal lovers will love it. 

   My ankles are back,  I hope for awhile.   I feel dry as a desert.  Wouldn't it be lovely if the lasix would make my buddha belly skinny along with my ankles?  I would be taking those puppies every day I tell you.  There is no help there though. 

   Still no books but the tracking number says they are on there way.  Man, to think I paid priority price for such slow service.

   Since I am not going picture taking this morning I think I will finally get my amble behind to the gym.  I can't stand all this sitting around but it is so hot most of the time if I move I pour sweat.  Hate it.  Some cooler days will be so welcome.  I want to ride my bike!

   I have just gotten terrible about eating breakfast again, or anything but supper for that matter.  Such terrible habits that I thought I had gotten rid of.  I just am not hungry in the morning.  I know that it gets me in trouble. 

   Yesterday Rick was in A-fib again all day so we didn't do much.  He took off on his bike and called from his mom's to get a ride home.  I give up yelling at him for riding when it is 101 outside.  If he wants to spend the whole day feeling like crap it is up to him.  Silly men.

   Hope everyone has a lovely day and finds great ways to stay cool.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Cicada days

   The cicada seem to love this weather judging by the racket they are making.  One of my favorite bugs.


Another really really really Hot day!


  First of all I want to say  for your words of support.  To tell the truth I still have such a problem with this.  My old doctor told me I had CHF, but he was so old and ready to retire that I just really didn't believe him.  I just have trouble with fluid retention.  I am thinking my new Dr is just looking at my history and saying the same thing.  There is a lab test they can do to see if you are really in CHF and as far as I know I haven't had that done.  So how could they be sure?  Anyway I did my lasix yesterday and am going to spend the morning doing it again today because I still can write my name in the swelling in my legs.  Since it is going to be extremely hot today I also am going to fill my fancy swimming pool up and chill in it outside with some ice tea.  I am suppose to limit my fluids according to my doctor, I probably got into trouble trying to have more points then anyone else on our challenge, but I know I need to not get too dry.  Last night I had horrible stomach cramps.  Usually I get terrible leg cramps from the lasix, but not stomach.  Just one thing after another. 

    I am not going to step on a scale for awhile.  It is too depressing.  I knew I was in trouble yesterday as my weight was up really fast again.  It should be better today, but it just get so depressing to go up and down so much.  I JUST WANT TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT AND HAVE IT STAY OFF!                                                                 

   OK, I have not gotten my weight watcher books.  I checked the tracking and it was sent on the 26th.  I paid priority mail and it is 4 days today if it comes.  It would be great if it comes on my days off so I can get a good handle on it before I go back to work.  Also I have been reading my new book, Marley and Me and it is so funny.  Sounds alot like my dog when she was young.  I recommend this book.

    Another thing I am having trouble with is my graphics.  The animation doesn't work on half of them.  Is anyone else having trouble? It just started happening when I started using AOL picture saver.  When I used photo bucket they all worked so I guess I will go to them for my graphics and the AOL photo storage for my pictures.  Also what is everyone doing to stay cool today?

   Well, I guess I had better take my pill and get started.  Have a great day everyone and don't let the heat get you down.  I plan on laying around like a fat cat and keeping cool.



Friday, July 28, 2006

Slice of Life Movie

   Since I couldn't get to far from my bathroom today we rented some movie.   Wonderful movie.  It is called On A Clear Day.  It is about a man who swims the english channel.  I love these type of movies.  I don't think there were any swear words.   It is the type of movie that makes your feel good afterward.   Some other movies I really like, Close to Eden,  Snow Walker, are both good movies.   I had to pause it often to hit the ladies room but it was a good movie.  Rent it and tell me if you agree.



   Well my day did not go as planned.  I am in conjested heart failure again according to my doctor.  My legs are so swollen and I am havng some trouble breathing.  My inhaler didn't help me.  I called my doctor and if I can't get the fluid off by doubling my lasix I have to go into the hospital.  Drag big time as it is my floor I will have to be admitted to and I really don't want them to know I have this problem.

    My brother was 35 when he died.  My youngest sister is waiting for a heart transplant.  We have some sort of genitic cardiomyopathy in my family.  Supposenly since I am older then 40 I don't have to worry about getting that but I still have some cardiac problems.  They aren't sure if it is related or not.  I take a medicine everyday, HCTZ to help me get rid of the fluid but sometimes, when I drink to much water, Duh, it gets ahead of me and I have problems.  I was always hoping losing weight and exercising would make it go away.  Nurses are such bad patients, LOL. It is not good that I am young and having these problems I was told, I told her it was better that I was young because I could fight it better.  I will be better because this is about  the worse I have felt in awhile.  So much for exercising today.

   Check out the great tag I got from Sassy. 




   It is suppose to be 97 degrees out today.  To hot to ride.  I have packages to mail and the library says the book I wanted is in so I have to go there.  The book is Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog.  I hear it is a great book.  I read alot since I have no TV. 

    Then when all my chores are done I hope to hit the gym.  I haven't been for weeks.  When  I ride for 3 hours I don't want to work out for another 2 hours.  Since I can't ride in this heat the treadmill will have to do and I want to get back to lifting weights.  I do the weight training for my bones.  Light weights will help the bones and I want my dextra scan to be better.  It was awful the last time I had it done.  He told me not to fall off of my bike because my back or hips could easily break.  All the spills I took over the years I have never broke anything except a finger and toe.  I did break my back lifting a patient once but it was because of my Spina bifida.  I had some bones that weren't fused together and when I lifted the patient they broke off.  Painful.

   Maybe a cold sandwich would be good for supper and I should make that low fat potato salad.   I never did look for the recipe. 

   Anyway that is my day.  Hope not to cook it is so hot.  I want to clean house also but it will wait until tonight when it is cooler.  I also have to take some Lasix as my edema is terrible again.  I cut down on my water.  I can't drink that much when I am not riding as I just retain it.  The joys of aging just go on and on.....

    I never like cooking when it is this hot.  I don't have central air and only have air conditioning in my bedrooms.  We will probably grill as I can't afford to eat out every night.    I had slimfast for breakfast and I am going to make a tomatoe salad with some of the tomatoes picked.  They are so good.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I wanted to be a nurse because WHY!

  All night tonight at work I will be humming to myself, it's my last night, my last night, my last night.  


   We had 8 patients each last night.  Yikes.  It is so difficult to take care of 8 patients properly.  If we didn't have to chart also it may work out OK, but the computer charting on top of it really is awful. 

   One older man never uses his call light, he just yells at the top of his lungs.  I told him other patients were trying to sleep and he couldn't be yelling like that.  He said, "I have just as much right to yell as the rest of them, I am just as sick as them so there!"  Then he asked his roommate, (X roommate now) to join him in yelling because it could then be heard twice as far.  Normally a giggle but I had a throbbing headache all night so not so funny.

   We recently lost 3 nurses to the day shift and they haven't been replaced yet.   Would have been nice to replace them first, but according to Union rules you can't refuse to let them go to the new hours if they have bid on it and won.

    In the old days before union you would have stayed put until your replacement was trained and I personally do not think there is anything wrong with that to a point.  As long as they were actively trying to replace you. To get a nurse on our floor, she or he, has to go through a month of orientation or longer.  They then have to take cardiac arrythmia class, ACLS, and learn telemetry.  It can take 2 months to get to the point where they can actually work on the floor.  I think it is going to be a long couple of months.  I am bone tired.  I think I shouldn't have done such a long ride before work.

   My diet was great yesterday.  I had everything on plan and clocked in at 1150 calories.  According to my bike I rode off 460 of them.  If I do that everyday it would work.  It is suppose to be a scorcher the rest of the week.  If I want to ride it will have to be early.  I should be hitting the gym again.  I pay for it but I don't want to ride for 3 hours and then work out for 2 hours everyday.  I must have a life.

   Well, have to help with supper and then get ready for my last night!  Did I mention it is my last night!  Yippy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Postcards from J-Land

I have recieved a couple of postcards so far and am still shamelessly begging for more so if anyone wants to exchange them let me know.

 This first is from Deb at  Hi Deb


   The next one is from Sugar.  Hi Sugar, Thanks for the postcard.



    Now of course I would love to have lots more so send me your address and we'll exchange.

    We just got back from a great bike ride.  We did 22.6 miles.  We went to South Dakota following the river trail and then finally found the new bike trail they opened up over there.  We could see it on the other side of the river when we were riding but didn't know how to get there for sure, but we found it. 

   Nice ride.  It got very hot and muggy for awhile,but we were blessed with some rain which cooled us off quickly. We both agreed that getting the sandwiches from Subway had been a good idea so we did that again and ate lunch at the end of the new trail.  Since it just opened we had it to ourselves which was nice.  The woods smelled so neat and there are lots of Russian Olive trees in them which really smell good.  Gold finches, Orioles, lots of birds making sweet songs, it was really nice.  Since the weather has been so hot the trees are losing their leaves and it looks like fall in the woods with all the dead leaves on the ground.  On some of the ride we had to ride on the road which makes me nervous.  Cars give you a wide birth and I always hug the side of the road but that is were all the gravel gets pushed not to mention a really smelly dead skunk.  I hate having the traffic to my back also.  I would much rather ride facing them to see what they are going to do.  Eventually they want to have bike trails connecting all 3 states and that will be great.  Cars on the roads, bikes on the trails.  Live will be good.

   Well, I hope I haven't worn myself out too much for the next 12 hours.  I have to pack a pair of skates I sold and do some housework before work.  Stir fry for supper, something fast and easy and I have to do some laundry.  It will be a long day.

   Remember, send postcards!

Another Day In Paradise

   It is cooler this morning so we are getting ready for a ride as it heats up rapidly.  Last night we went for pizza and beer.  I needed to relax.  Our son went with us which is rare and we met a friend so a grand time was had.  I did my photo scavenger shoot on the way home and hit the hay early.  Another day off gone.  I have to be charge tonight and am frankly not looking forward to it.  But 2 more days and then my long stretch off.  I live for those days off.  

   Breakfast was just a slim fast.  I haven't recieved my books yet and expect them today.  I had a terrible weekend off plan.  Just could not get with the program.  Eating when I am under a lot of stress has always been a problem.  You would think at my age I would have that under control.  Not.  The kitty and me have alot in common.  Except the cat looks kind of cute fat.........


Monday, July 24, 2006

Day Off

   It is hot and humid again.  To hot for a ride.  To hot for cooking, to hot.  To cool myself down I thought I would share a couple of pictures.  It makes the weather seem not that bad after all,



   There, now don't you all feel better.  Those pictures where taken just 4 months ago! 

    Work was simply awful last night.  4 terrible nights in a row.  I think I sent a patient to ICU each night.  The nice thing about working in ICU is you get 1 to 2 patients.  I was taking care of very critical patients 6 to 7 at a time with a couple of them straddling the fence all night.  I am mentally exhausted today and Oh so ready to just chill.  Back to the grind tomorrow.  My boss had the gull to ask why no one made it to supper and had overtime.  For one thing, there is no place to go at night to take a break, the cafeteria is closed.  We don't have the staff to have someone off the floor for 1/2 hour.  We were really really busy saving lifes and making her look good.  They insisted we all stay a extra half hour without pay and take a supper break.  Since they implimented this 4 weeks ago I have been able to take a break twice.  They don't want to pay us overtime for not getting to supper so they are always refusing to pay up.  I told my boss if she could do what I did this weekend and take a break and get out on time I would give up my overtime.  I know she won't take me up on that.

   My son is stiff and sore today but happier then I have seen him for awhile.  Happily no one has gotten killed so far on RAGBRAI but there have been some accidents.  None life threatening.  Usually at least one person dies because they tried the ride without training for it and sometimes a car decides they are tired of waiting and plows into a bunch of riders.

   I am eating out today.  To hot to cook.  My books should be here tomorrow.  For today, I am relaxing.  Check out the tomatoes I just picked, they are the sweetest I have ever grown.  Great on salads.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Arrived alive!

   The bikers return.  My son is the one in the bright jersey with the one leg that is darker then the other and still swollen.  He had a great time and survived.  Did get one really bad leg cramp after the ride was done but ate some great food and really had fun.  They wish they could do the entire week.  Now I can relax.

He's off!

Well they got up early, packed up and off they went.  Sigh.  They kept the bike in my garage which made me nervous.  Shane is riding a demo Canondale bike worth $5000,  Dan's bike is worth $2400,  and I think Mikes is around $1200.  We made sure to lock the garage.  My husband will pick them up in Ida Grove around 11:30.   I pray this isn't a huge mistake and he is OK.

   Well I had a absolutely busy busy night last night.  I am getting to old for this I think and my back is killing me.  I am going to bed and pray the phone doesn't ring with bad news.  Deb I got your wonderful postcard of beautiful Colorado.  Mine should be there soon.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Things that make Moms get gray hair.

    My son, the one that just got out of the hospital last week and has had nothing but trouble with his leg since his vein stripping just came home with 2 friends and informed us he is going to ride tomorrow in RAGBRAI.  At least one day.  That is 54+ miles.   Now he has done the ride before plus 100 miles and normally is very fit, not like his ole mom.  But I do worry.  He did not inform his doctor who had told him before surgery he wouldn't be able to go.  He has no intention of calling his doctor and letting him know.  Yes my son is almost 30.  Still, I worry.  You want to support your kids but you worry.  Part of me thinks this might be good for his leg, part of me worries this might be really bad for his leg.  Whats a Mom to do but add some gray hairs.  Plus I am really bummed  I am not going with him.  I really wanted to do the ride this year.  Next year for sure.

   One of the nurses last night was talkng about how she was bummed before she came to work but taking care of patients reminds you of how lucky you are.  I always feel that way.  When my arthritis is kicking in really bad and my back hurts I always can find a patient that makes me feel quilty about feeling so sorry for myself. 

    Then I got to wondering.  How would it be to be THAT patient!  You know, the one that everyone can point to and say with relief, well I'm not THAT bad!  Who does that patient point to?  I bet if you were to ask the patient he would  have someone he would point to also.  So maybe you are never given more then you can carry.......Well, enough rambling on.  Time for work to take my mind off of my sons ride tomorrow.  Everyone send prayers his way for a safe ride.  He means the world to me.


Whine whine whine.


   So I was weighed in last night and once again no loss according to the scale at work!  This scale weighs me 3 pounds heavier then my scale at my house, which is the same as my doctors.  Tics me off.  I hate weighing in after supper.  Plus part of our challenge is to drink 2 64 oz containers of water and by the time I weigh it I am almost done with that 2nd container.  Whine.  The good news is I didn't have to pay anything, but it is getting old.  To celebrate I ate terrible last night as we were having a going away party for a nurse.  That will teach them,   Wait a minute, that just hurts me!  Hi my name is Julie and I am a compulsive overeater...........

   We were busy again last night.  Nothing wakes you right up like answering a patients light at 4:30 am and walking into a blood bath.  The tired just flys out of you and you go on alert.  Turned out to be just a very very nasty nose bleed but the granddaddy of them all as far as the amount of blood everywhere.  Enough so he will be getting blood today.  Just when you think you might be catching up!

   I am now going to take a minute to do another shameless appeal for postcards.  Come on people!  Send me your postcards,  it will be neat, I promise not to put you on some weird mailing list for gerbel products or footware.   I promise to send you a really neat postcard in return.  I want postcards from all over, overseas even hint hint.  So send me your postcards, OK  



Friday, July 21, 2006

Weight Watchers

  I ordered my weight watchers books so will start that when they come.   I hope it works without having to go to the meetings.  A lot of the nurses at work are on it and Meg has offered to answer all my questions so hopefully will show a downward trend soon again.  My manager gave me this link, says it has lots of info and recipes, Dotti's Weight Loss Zone - Helping You on Your Weight Loss Journey

    I weight in at work again tonight.  I think it will be lower, but I hate weighing in right after supper.  Keep your fingers crossed.

    Work was busy last night, the time just flew by.  Just a big thank you here to all the blood donors out there and all the lab people out there.  I got a patient last night with a hemoglobin of 4.7.   Normal is 14 for a man.  I needed to give him 4 units of blood pronto, but his blood was very hard to type.  They ended up getting blood from 3 different states to give this man.  The lab person worked hours testing blood to make sure it was compatible and it took 8 hours to find the first units to give him.  Giving blood is so important.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Visitors to my yard.

    I am not sure if these are Mommy Deerest babies or not as the mother was hiding in the woods.  That makes me think probably not as she is not afraid us of and would have come out.  These are flighty when young so the pictures are fuzzy as I didn't want to take much time to focus in not being sure how long they would stay.  Can you see why they call these white tail deer.




    I also got a picture of a couple of other visitors.  This bug is fairly big.  I don't remember what they are called but they are neat.


   This dragonfly I have lots of pictures of but it poses so nicely.


Postcard game

   I want to play the postcard game also.  It is going around and I read about it first on and then Sugars journal.  You send me your address and I'll send you a postcard from Sioux City, Iowa, yippy, and then you send me one from your hometown or state.  It will be neat to get them from all over.

  The weather is cooler here today and I slept until 9:54, wow lazy bones.  I was reading my email and came across a interesting entry on the asthma board.  It seems advair causes leg cramps in alot of people!  Here all those weeks of those terrible leg cramps and me blaming it on my bike riding and all along it was the Advair.   And I have not had any cramps in my legs since I went off and I thought it was just I was finally in better shape.  You just have to be really good about reserching the meds your on.  I thought I had read all the potential side effects and adverse reaction but I never heard about these problems.

    Heard this on Paul Harvey this morning.  Are you drinking Fiji water?  Latest studies show the arsenic in that water is high.  Not higher then acceptable, but still high.  Cleveland Ohio who went all out cleaning up their water supply and can boast 0 arsenic in their water.  So really watch your expensive bottled waters.  You really don't think they come from some pure mountain springs do you?  And just because it is an expensive one doesn't mean it is the best.  If you took all the money you spent on bottled water you could buy a all house system and drink filtered water from your own tap.

   Since I slept so late this morning I am going to wait to go to the gym until this afternoon.  They have a class on the weight machines from now until noon.  I start my work week tonight, my days of leasure are at a close.  Of course now the weather is getting cooler, all the bike rides I will miss, all the fishing.  Oh well,  next thursday will come fast enough.

    I am feeling down right thin this morning, or as thin as someone my weight can feel.  I will have to weight myself.  I didn't win the WW package so will keep trying.  I wanted that one because it included the calculator which sounded cool but Meg, thanks Meg, has offered to answer any of my questions when I get the books.  I forgot to mention, when I weighed in at work last week she about dropped when she saw I was down 5.  I explained about the being off the drug.  So much nicer then going up.

    Last night we went to Sweet Fannies to listen to live Jazz.  They had a young man who played the trombone.  What a good job he did.  I am glad to see the young muscians are learning it.

   Well that is about all the rambling on I will do.  I have to get hold of some people about postcards and I want to go on ebay and get some WW book.  Also we heard the prices on having a shop on ebay are going up, alot, so I am thinking about doing an auction on all my items and closing shop.  Nothing brings what it is worth on their anymore anyway.  But it isn't getting any cheaper to buy the items, in fact that has gone way up.  You used to be able to pick the good pottery up for a reasonable price.  Now you can't sell it for what you had to pay for it on ebay.  Maybe I'll go back to Ruby Lane.  I loved selling there.

   By all, send me postcards OK!  Sign my questbook also.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Laying around the pool


103.5 burn baby burn

   As I was lazing around in the pool today and drinking my ice tea I reflected on how good life could be even with so little!   My friends can't swim in their below ground pool today because the water is too warm.   Since I just filled my it took my breath away stepping into it and it felt heavenly.   I didn't even mind the heat.  A wasp came to share the pool with me and I was so relaxed I let it.  Since I live in a secluded area I didn't have to worry about anyone coming and seeing me in my suit....... Life is good.  You make the most of what you got.


   I have chicken thawing and we are grilling outside.  Grilled chicken sandwich with low fat pepper jack cheese,  summer salad and green beans, watermellon for dessert.   At poolside of course,  :-)

Hot and Steamy

     It is 9 in the morning and already hot and steamy out.  Going to be wicked today, over 102 and humid.   Already my asthma is kicking in big time.   Going to be sweating off some pounds today. 

     I just bid on a weight watchers starter kit that includes the calculator.   I hope it includes instructions as I have no idea what they mean when they say they count points.   This auction gets done in 11 hours.   Maybe I should have just gone to a WW around here and bought them but I don't want the hard sell to join.  To expensive.

   It turned out the pot I bought was Weller's Forest which is really good.  One just sold for $150.00.   Mine does has a small tight hairline so I am listing it for quite abit less but should still make some good money on it.  So that makes me happy this hot and sticky day.

    I have a class today from 11:30 until 2:30.   All of the power was down for 5 hours in our downtown today, including the jail and mid-american power company.  I was hoping my class would be cancelled.  But, since I only have air in the bedroom hanging around in air conditioning won't be bad.  When I get back I am going to fill up the kids pool and hang around in the backyard to stay cool.   Supper is going to be a cold one again tonight.  I should make some potato salad.   I have a great recipe for red and sweet potato salad that is low cal and really tasty.  Have to dig it out of the archives.

   My weight is staying the same now.  I was up a total of 6 pounds in fluid.  I am having a few more problems with my asthma now that I am off the advair, but the albuterol is helping so I will stick with that.  Soon this heat wave will be done and the dog days of summer will be a memory.  Snow is just around the corner.   Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I knew I was right!

  I kept telling the doctor that I thought it was the chlorine in the pool that was bothering my lungs and triggering my asthma.   He said that usually the warm water from the pool was good for asthmatic lungs and wants me to go to water aerobics again.   I kept putting it off because the last time I was sick for 2 weeks.  Well, the New England Journal of Medicine and others have recently put out some papers stating that the by products in pools, human sweat, urine, etc... mixed with chlorine cause a dangerous by-product that is harmful to swimmers and causes not only asthma but lung damage.   They studied children and found the effects showed more damage then smoking.  This is on in-door pools that are not ventilated well.   That explains why I did my workouts last year without many problems but they really esculated this winter when the pool wasn't opened up.

    They say the damage can be reversable but no always.   I suppose my years of smoking made me more succeptable.  But I feel good knowing I wasn't crazy when I kept telling my doctor I thought it was the pool that was making me sick.  It most likely was!  Here is an article based on the study you can read if your interested.  Especially if you have children on the swim team and they use a in-door pool.Chlorinated Swimming Pools Can Cause Asthma in Swimmers

   As usual after a nice bike ride my weight is up a few pounds.  It must be the muscles getting pumped up.  It happens every time.  Weird.  I am not very concerned with it as I go more how my clothes fit.  The bad thing is my budda belly.  My legs are very strong and trim looking these days.  My arms are better, not great but better, but this budda belly refuses to budge.  Must be having had too many belly surgeries and too many cut muscles.  It will be the last to go.  I have been doing abd crunches and actual sit ups for weeks and see no improvement except I can do more then I could when I started.   Hopefully under the budda gut are abs of steal.

   It is cooler today and we are going for another ride soon.  Tomorrow it is suppose to be 102.  Yikes.  I have to go to a class for work.  Even on my days off they intrude.  It should be an easy 3 hours of pay.  Then I think I will hit the gym and stay where it is cool.  My son sees the doctor also tomorrow.  He is wondering about work.  There is no way he can stand for 10 hours lifting the heavy milk crates yet and he wonders when he will be able to.  He works for Wells Blue Bunny in the milk department.   Hard physical work.  It killed him when he first started but over time he got some very impressive shoulder and arm muscles.   Now he will have to start all over.

    I twisted my ankle on the ride yesterday when I jumped off to take a picture.  Jumped off right into a hole.  It throbbed all night last night so hopefully the ride today will loosen it up.

   Well thats about all the rambling on I will do for now.  I had my shredded wheat and bran with whey low sugar sub and no fat milk for breakfast.  For the ride today we are packing Turkey subs and apple slices to eat when we get to the overlook.   I should be able to cook today since it is cooler and am thinking about chicken stir fry.  Think I have the day covered.  I have low fat frozen yogurt for dessert.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bike ride

   We finally got a ride in tonight.  We went after supper and it was so nice.  Much cooler.  We wanted to go find that other trail.  We had an idea where to find it so started on the trail in South Sioux and rode to where the gravel road started.  We decided it we took the river road we would cut across and run into it on the other side of the fields.  What a road that turned out to be.  Soft dirt and ruts that 4 wheel drives would have trouble with.  Also people use it to dump their trash,( may there be a special place in hell for people who litter and throw their garbage all over), so we were dodging all kinds of junk and trying not to bog down in the soft dirt.  For the first time I wondered if maybe I should have a helmet.  I needed my sons mountain bike for that type of terrain.  Anyway we finally made it and after climbing over a guard rail and lifting our bikes over we were back on a civilized trail.  Have to admit it was kind of fun.  This trail is new and not very long, maybe a mile but it takes you into town and you can hit the other trail which is what we did.  We rode out to the lake and back the old way.  12 miles and it was dark by the time we got back to the car.  I had a headlight on my bike so we could see pretty good, but riding at night you run into bugs.  What a nice ride.  I have been really wanting to ride.


   Remember we were at the monument when we first saw this trial.  See in on the hill in the background.  This is the drainage ditch that runs along side the trail.


   We hit the lake just as the sun was going down and had this pretty sunset.

he My Auction Haul

   I have a passion for pottery and that is mostly what I buy and sell in my store.  I also collect so I have many of these in my collection and usually only buy things I will be happy to keep if they don't sell.  I also buy so if anyone out there has some vintage pottery you want to part with let me know.   Here is what I got yesterday.  The auction was in doors and air conditioned plus a sit down auction, heaven!


     I am thinking this is a Weller Forest Jardiniere but I can't find my book to be certain.  Have to hit the library.


  This is a Haeger Leaf planter.  I love the glaze and there is a definate Teco look to it.


   This vase was made by Redwing.  It is a tall vase and I can just picture it with flower cuttings in it. 


  A beautiful Hall Parade teapot.  Just look at the lines and glaze on it.  They made such great teapots.


   Hull's Woodland Cornucopia.  From the 1950's but still perfect.  I love the colors.


Another Hull Woodland cornucopia in a different glaze color.  Nice.


  This is a Hull Wildflower cornucopia.  This one is older then the first 2 and the one I am hoping to keep.


  Set of Hull's footed planters in the Royal line also called Mist.  From the 1950's also.  You can see why Hull is called the heavenly pottery.


   Wonderful McCoy Double Tulip vase.  Word of caution if you ever buy on ebay.  There is lots and lots of fake McCoy on ebay and I am seeing it in antique malls lately also.  Lots of fake Roseville also.   If your ever thinking of buying something and aren't sure if it is real drop me a line.  I hate the fake stuff and can usually spot it a mile away and if I am not sure, I have lots of places to go to find out for sure.  We want the fake sellers off line.


   McCoy Floraline scalloped bowl.  This was made for florist shops in the 50's and 60 and is becoming more and more popular.  The glaze is nice and it is a heavy pottery.  You can still pick them up at reasonable prices, but the prices are going up.


   A pair of rusty antique skates because.....well I think they're cool!


And last a glass 5" flower frog because it was in with the skates.  They do come in handy.

   So that is my haul.  I think I did pretty good, what do you all think?